Chapter 5: Train Rides, Echoes, and a Proposition

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Allen made his way down to the loading docks. When he got there, Lenalee, Levi, and a finder were waiting for him.

"Ready to go?" asked the finder. "Yes, but may I ask who your name, first?" asked Allen. "Oh, sorry, my name is Toby Clarence," the finder answered. Allen nodded and then smile, and stretched out his hand. "It is pleasure to meet you, Toby," Allan replied as Toby reached for Allen's out stretched hand and shook it. My name is Allen, Allen Walker," the white haired teen said. Toby shook his head, "No, the pleasure is all mine," he replied.

"Well, now that the two of you have Introduced each other, shall we go?" asked Levi and the other three nodded. The three exorcists, and one finder, got in the waiting boat and started to row.

After the boat ride, they headed to the train station. "When does the train leave?" asked Lenalee. "If I remember correctly, the train leaves in about five minutes." answered Allen. "Let's just head to the train, sound good?" asked Lenalee, everyone else nodded and headed for the train.

When all four people (Toby was going to seat outside, but Allen persuaded him not to) got into their seats in the cabin; Levi and Lenalee started talking, Allen starred out the window, and Toby pulled out a book. This got Lenalee's attention, "Hey, Toby what are you reading?" asked a curious Lenalee and Toby looked up from his book.

"It's a book, called; "Un Ècho D'èvanouissement" it's by a dear friend of mine," answered Toby. "I've never heard of it, but it sounds French," said Lenalee. Toby laugh lightly, "Why yes, it is French. It translates to "A Fading Echo" and I'm not surprised you have not hear of it, not that many have, before," replied Toby sounding rather sad.

"As the snow fell on that winter day, I leave my past behind. Goodbye mother. Goodbye father. Au revoir, my beloved. I have committed too many sins, for me to bare..." Allen recited. All eyes were now on Allen, who was still gazing out at the passing landscapes. "As the snow fell, covering the footprints of my past, I leave you with one last goodbye, but before I am able to breath a word...I am spirited away by the shadows of my sins. Lost in time, forever lost, just a fading echo.'" resided Allen.

Everyone was now staring at the white haired boy sitting at the window; two in confusion and one in shock. "After she finished the book, the author, who was named Lulu Goldmen, mysteriously vanished, and all that was left was her manuscript and her faithful pet, a white cat with a birthmark that looked like a rose named Rosa," Allen said as he turned his gaze on the other occupants of the cabin.

"Her lover, fell into a deep depression after her disappearance," Allen closed his eyes and slowly breathed in a deep breath, "the girl's parents, sent out a search party to find her. Two year later, after the search party was launched, they held a funeral. After the funeral, the lover stayed behind long after everyone else went home, now I know what you all are thinking, that The Millennium Earl swoops in and turns the girl into an Akuma. But this is not the case, because there was no body to turn into an Akuma. Shortly after the funeral, the lover left home and disappeared off the face of the earth, and that lover's name was named..." Allen looked straight at Toby, "Toby, Toby Clarence."

Now Levi and Lenalee were starring at Toby in shock and the finder was starting to tear up. Allen slid over to him and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. That did it for Toby and he busted into tears. Allen pulled him in the a comforting embracement.

He looked towards the other two and said in his sweet/clam hypnotizing voice, "Lenalee, Levi, you well forget this conversation, and go get something to eat. Make sure you take as slow as humanly possible, do I make myself clear?" they both nodded in unison. "Thank you," the white haired teen finished.

The two turned around and Allen shot two small beams, one dark blue the other dark purple (the size of the snake Crona put in Marie's coffee from Soul Eater) at their back that were barely notable. "Follow them and report back when the start heading back to this location," Allen ordered, in a voice that was so low no one could even hear it.

"H-how d-did you know th-that," asked Toby, who was sobbing into Allen's exorcist jacket, "o-only, th-three people h-had kn-kn-knowledge o-of th-that d-day and th-that wa-was me a-and L-lulubelle's parent!?" he sobbed. Allen waited for a moment, "What would you do if I told you, that I know where she is and how you can reunite with her?" Allen asked calmly.

Toby looked up at Allen, his face red from crying and disbelief in his eyes, that quickly turned to rage, "How is it that some 15 year old brat, knows where my princess is and I don't," yelled an enraged Toby, who stood up and looked down at Allen, "How do you, an exorcist for the damn Black Order, know where she is..." Toby went rambling on and on and on.

Allen sighed, he then stood up took off his silk glove (which he replace with rubber, but it looks and feels like silk) and slapped Toby across the face, effectively shutting him up, "Are you finished?" Allen asked in a bored tone, as he put his glove back on and Toby nodded dumbly.

"Good," Allen said as he gently pushed Toby down onto the the seat behind him, "now shut up, clam down, and let me speak," he said. The white haired boy was now towering over the finder, with a glare that had a "speak at your own risk" type look about it.

It took all of Toby's will power not to shrink down into his chair from the intensity of the look.

"I am not, who you think I am," started Allen, "I am Eve Alpha, and I hold the memories of the forgotten 15th Noah, The Noah of Loyalty." Toby's eyes widen at the introduction, "I am also the wife of Adam, or as you subhumans like to call him, The Earl Of The Millennium," he added. Now Toby's mouth was hanging open wide. "Shut your mouth it is highly unattractive," Eve scolded and Toby snapped his mouth shut.

Eve nodded in approval, "I awoken after Mr. Walker, saw one of my memories (chapter 2) that some how slipped out," explained Eve, "If not for me, putting him into a coma, Mr. Walker would have lost all the last bits of his sanity, he had left." she explained.

Toby's eyes widen, "Yes, Allen Walker is not as sane as he lets on." Eve explained further. "Now, Lulubelle is the Noah of Lust, as well as one of my children, and as the Noah of Loyalty, I am able to sense your love for her and how you would give up your life if her's was on the line, am I correct?" he asked and Toby nodded.

Eve smiled a bit and bent down, now she was face to face with Toby. "Yes, I can see it in your eyes," she said in a gentle voice, "you are a broken soul, but unlike Mr. Walker, you are not unfixable." finished Eve. she then stood up and sat back into the seat behind her. "Now, let us make a deal, you help me get back to my family and In return, I will make sure you reunite with Lulubelle." The Noah said as she reached out her hand.

Toby looked suspiciously at the out stretched hand, "How do I know, you won't backstab me when you get what you want?" questioned Tony. Eve laughed, "Unlike most of my family, when I make promises, I keep them." answered Eve.

Toby sighed and shook the Noah's hand, "Deal," he said. Eve smiled, but mentally she smirked and laughed.

With that Toby Clarence, signed a contract with his fate, all for the one he loves.

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