Chapter 14

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Getting a call from the company late in the evening, telling me that my housemate was in the hospital after getting injured on her mission, left me weak and shaking. I wasn't even able to ask anything because the call was so short.

I gripped the edge of the table, feeling more miserable with each passing second.

Jennie was injured, and I feel horrible about that, but she was alive. I didn't get to ask about the other people in her team; didn't get to know if Lisa was still alive.

Despite all their fights, I knew Lisa would die for Jennie. She would sacrifice herself to protect her friend, her best friend's girlfriend; so if Jennie was hurt, was Lisa still alive?

I felt sick.

I've done a lot of things not a lot of people can stomach but this was the first time in a long time that I felt like I wanted to vomit. The idea of the cheerful assassin, who has become a constant fixture in my life these past few months, being dead felt like a nightmare.

When my phone rang again with Jisoo's name appearing on it, my breath hitched. I dreaded answering it, distressed that she was calling me to tell me what I realized has become my fear - that Lisa's dead.

I had to know so I still answered the call.

"Unnie," I whispered.

"Chaeng, Lisa's in the hospital, injured," Jisoo said weakly. "Did  you hear anything about Jennie?"

Fright was as palpable in Jisoo's voice.

"She's also injured, Unnie."

I've already taken several deep breaths since Jisoo said Lisa was alive but injured. The heavy feeling in my chest lightened a bit but not much. Two important people in my life - I'll deal with acknowledging Lisa as one of those later - were injured. 

Two great agents.

What the fuck happened?

Jisoo told me she'd pick me up and we'll go to the hospital together.

The ride to the hospital was spent in silence and with heavy tension in the air. Jisoo broke innumerable traffic rules but none of us cared. I would have threatened anyone who dared to stop us.

Jisoo and I hastened to the room that the nurse told us. The door to the room had a small glass window and I was almost too afraid to peak. 

I don't know what I would do if I saw Lisa or Jennie all bandaged up or in a worse condition.

Jisoo was braver than me for she peaked and gasped with what she saw. I looked over her shoulder and saw two figures inside throwing a dagger back and forth each other. I frowned.

Jisoo slammed the door open effectively catching the two off-guard. At that moment I felt like if Lisa was stabbed by the knife, I would have said she deserved it. My jaw muscles were still tensed because of all the stress I was feeling, thinking of how badly she could have been injured, but there she was putting her life on the line for what I assumed was entertainment.

I considered walking out and leave the two since they were obviously fine but when I looked at Lisa and her eyes met mine, everything went silent and she was all I could see.

Everything also came crashing back.

The suffocating fear. The heavy heart. The minutes of living an actual nightmare.

A different kind of fear engulfed me. Thankfully, Jisoo hugged Lisa and broke off our eye contact. Otherwise, she would have seen me completely shut off for a few seconds but felt like forever.

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