| 8 | Plunge into Darkness

Start from the beginning

Naruto facepalms, an action that goes noticed only by Tazuna.

Upon the latter's questioning look, Naruto gestures to Sakura, who had become blind as a bat in daylight and had taken to tripping every few minutes.

Tazuna nods, discreetly sending her a disapproving look.

Naruto chuckles lowly.

"What's so funny?" Kakashi sharply inquires upon the action, having been put on edge by the earlier demonstration.

Do I outright point out her faults in hopes of her becoming a better kunoichi, or do I sugarcoat it to avoid the catastrophe that is Kakashi's teamwork speeches?

Naruto cocks his head to the side like a lost puppy.

"If a veteran bandit had chosen to attack Sakura, she would be dead in the second."

This startles said girl, who trips over a nonexistent ledge, falling before she catches herself.

She looks up, sending Kakashi and Naruto confused looks. "What?"

"You see?" Naruto bulldozes on. "She can't even pay attention to any sounds."

Kakashi attempts to defend his teachings. "When the time comes, she'll fare well in a battle."

Naruto scoffs, not pressing the issue though he knows he is in the right.

Tazuna pitches in. "The kid's right, you know?"

It doesn't help matters. Kakashi turns away in a huff, continuing the march to the Land of Waves.

This tedious monotony proceeds, silence dominating the atmosphere as Kakashi joins Sakura, perusing his reading material.

Meanwhile, all the constant thought and analysis of the imminent environment becomes taxing to Naruto, as he grumbles, slumping and his formerly combat-ready stance reduced to one that could have him decapitated.

The aching in his feet isn't helping matters either, like a searing pain that plagues him.

He observes Sasuke and sees that he too is in the same predicament.

Glancing up at the sky, it's high noon, meaning it had been a rough three to four hours since they had departed.

Mentally comparing their previous speed to their current speed, Naruto comes to a conclusion.

They had slowed their pace by at least two times.

We genin and the client are lagging behind Kakashi. He doesn't know it, but we're tired.

"Hey, Kakashi-Sensei?" Naruto addresses, knocking the shinobi out of their stupor.

"Yes, Naruto?" Kakashi responds, closing his book and giving Naruto his undivided attention.

"We should take a break. Look how worn out we are, especially Tazuna!" He exclaims, gesturing wildly to the group.

Sakura had placed her mirror in a pocket and had begun paying attention to the conversation unfold.

Kakashi obliges, his eyes widening at the sight.

The three's legs are shaking, with Tazuna being the worst off with his aged bones trembling. One may expect the joints to creak like a ghostly door.

"Very well," Kakashi groans, as they sit down.

Naruto does so, mentally admitting that he had to take a break once in a while. If I don't, well, that's bad for my health, isn't it?

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