Ramune's P.O.V

Ramune walked through the darkness feeling unsafe he speeds up but he could still feel eye's on him. Someone was watching his everymove. Tbe ground was wet with a heavy liquid. It felt thick like blood. He dosen't speek though but he comes to a stop when a per of red eye's glare at him "hehe...." Ramune stops in place and stared at the sinister glare before realize there waa a lot of pokemon closing in on him he looked around to see they where all electric type's and all eyes had a nasy evil gloom to them. Ramune felt nervous to this but he refused to show it. He stood his ground barying his teeth together in a snarl. He narrowed his eyes at his enemys but then the pokemon who walked in the middle of the group of electric type's was not an electric type at all. It was an umbreon who had a look of hate. Ramune raised his head in suprise knowing this umbreon all to well "S.Shadow?" Tbe umbreon growls low "You should've stayed away from my brother!" Ramune feel puzzled as the umbreon tbrow himself at Ramune. The vaporeon closed his eye's braces himself for the impact but but felt nothing. He then opens his eye's to see a jolteon standing in front of him. Ramune felt his throat tighting for he knew this jolteon as well but he couldn't believe he was seeing him. Ramune notice that the blackness faded into a forest made of gold the jolteon stood tall his purple gaze was one of warry. Ramune could feel the teers forming in his eye's but he try's to hold them back, he's never realized just how much he's miss his father. He opens his mouth in a temp to speek but he couldn't find the words to speek but Flash had shooken his head "don't speek son....what you've seen is a warning.... Please watch your back, you have an important role to play in the future. Shadow will sink low but you must stay strong....for your brother and for your niece...." He had a stern and study voice. And this only made Ramune curious 'niece? But i don't have a niece....Blaze dosen't have a child....is Emma having an egg?....and wait Shadow?' Ramune that met his fsthers eye's ".....what I've seen? Shadow?...... No shadow is shawns older brother he'd never sink low" Ramune tryed but the words echo as Flash gave a sad look. And Ramune knew why 'I've come close....vary close to killing Blaze. Huh it's easy....to be disloyal.....to betray someone...but Shadow is he....a traitor?'


Ramune woke with a startle and let a heavy breath escape him he glanced around to see he was not in the water but on a rock by the water he soon remembers 'i most of fallen asleep waiting for Shawn to show up....where is he?' Ramune sat up to sit he waved his tail but he wan't thinking of the leafeon his mind was thinking about that dream he just had. He heas was spening 'why do i keep getting these dreams?... And why do they feel so.... real?' Ramune narrows his eye's thinking about it was making him feel warried 'my father looked sad and warried...what if....what if my dreams are real? Maybe my father was really there trying to tell me something....but is that possible?' Ramune then heared a voice "hey Ramune what you doing here?" The vaporeon turned his gaze to see Anglica gazing at him. He stared at her he'd never actually talked or had anything to do with her infact. He'd only giving her a nasty tone when he first meet her because he didn't know that his brother was in a relationship with her sister. "....i come here all the time....i should be asking you that. I don't see you come here aften" the shiny glaceon walked up to him and sat down beside him "hmm i actually do come here aften....at night i come here to get away" Ramune glanced at her "To get away?" She let a sight out and noded "yea....." Ramune could sense that she was upset with something but he didn't want to ask about it in cast he hites a nerve. She then looks at him "you looked uncomfortable. What's on your mind?" She asked looking to the side. Ramune felt his breath caught in his throat, he wasn't expecting her to ask that "oh um....i...i just had a weird dream but it's nothing really" Anglica noded. Before looking at the water. Ramune then saw Shawn walking towerds them looking stressed out. Anglica noticed as well. Shawn cane up and glanced at Anglica "what are you doing here?" Anglica just shrugs "i just needing a quite place....i didn't realize that you two would be here" Ramune got up and jumps off the rock to stand beside Shawn "well nice talking to you Anglica but i got to go now" Ramune and Shawn both walked away from her and Then shawn let a sight out and Ranune took notice "something wrong Shawn?" The leafeon darted his eye's to The ground "....nah I'm fine don't warry about it" Ramune grunts knowing something was wrong "Shawn please what's up?" He said more stern this time makimg tne leafeon flinch in suprise before he finally said "fine....it's my brother Shadow.. He's got a problem with me being with other guy's.....says that Arceus would frown upon it" Ramune felt shocked to hear that "Shadow has a problem with you mating with guys?" The leafeon noded his head "he always has....but it's not up to him who i mate with....i can't help but to be this way. I am who i am" Ramune tryed to imagine if Blaze was like that if his older brother tryed to tell him that he couldn't be with another guy. In fact that's why Ramune didn't want anyone to know 'what if they got mad at me?..... What would Matt and Raven say to me? I know Blaze would never think less of me but what about the others?" Shawn then shook his head slowly "Ah but let's not get into it right now...." He said with more of a smile. Ramune smiled back but he still felt shaken from his dream as he remembers the look in Shadows eye's before he throw himself at Ramune with claws and teeth thena chill ran down his spin when his words echoed in his head 'you should've stayed away from my brother!' 'Would Shadow really try and kill me for being in love with Shawn?'

Echos of the cursed forestजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें