Chapter 27: Goodbye my love...

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Meliodas' POV

"Elizabeth, please keep an eye on (y/n). I'm going on a walk." I said as I walked towards the door. I needed time to think and clear my head.

"Okay...will you be long Sir Meliodas?" She responded as I gripped the door knob. 

"I don't know..." I said and left. My hair covered my eyes as I looked down. I was disapointed in myself. If only I was stronger I'd be able to protect her. 

I walked down to the river and sat on the dock with my feet in the water. I could see myself in the reflection water. What has my life come to? I can't even protect the people I care for. I punched the floor in my moment of anger. I looked at myself, I saw the tears stream down my face. Pathetic...

I sat there for hours until someone walked up behind me. I quickly wiped my eyes and looked up to see (y/n) with crutches. I quickly scrambled to get up.

"What are you doing out of bed?! You aren't well enough. Here sit." I said as I helped her. She removed her shoes and dipped her (s/c) feet in. 

"Ellie told me that you went out for a walk, I figured you'd be close but I never expected you to be here." 

"Why'd you come look for me?" I asked sincerely curious.

"Because I love you dummy!" She said giving me her best smile. Her smile made my stomach soar every time, ever since I met her I knew that I'd fall for her. Now I want to spend my life with her, I want every minute to be spent with (y/n). Because...I love her...

I took her and hugged her never letting go, even as tears welled down my eyes. 

"(Y/n), I love you so much..." I said cherishing this moment since it could be the last after I said what was on my mind...

"Meli...what's wrong. You've been acting strange ever since we got back..."

"I-i don't think we should continue our journey together..." I said, my voice faltering a bit as my heart sunk deeper into an empty void. She quickly ripped me off her and held my shoulders.

"W-what?" She said with a crack in her voice. Tears had now lined her beautiful e/c eyes.

"It's too dangerous. Please understand (y/n)! I CAN'T RISK LOSING YOU!" I said. Her tears ran down her eyes.

"M-meliodas...I thought you loved me. Was that all a lie?" She said as the expression on her face went to worry and confusion. 

"I'm doing this because I love you so much! I would never forgive myself if something happened to you, or worse...if you...had died." My screaming became  a low mumble.

"I'm going to leave you in the next village up...pack your things (y/n)...please..." I began walking away. My blong strands of hair covered my eyes as I walked away from the love of my life...

(Y/n) grabbed my arm causing me to look back at her. Her eyes were red and puffy. Even through all the sorrow and tears she still looked as beautiful as the day we met. The way she chuckled at my jokes, the way her beautiful eyes lit up, the way her s/c skin looked in the moonlight on our first date.

"Please Meliodas..." She said firmly as she looked at me with pleading eyes. I pulled my hand away and continued on. 

"I've made my decision. I only ask that you respect that." I said monotone. 

"How can I accept this? Does this mean that we are o-over?" She said. I could tell she was crying harder than before.

"I guess it does..." I said although it hurt me even more. 

It was as though barbed wire was built up in my throat. It was as though I lost a piece of myself that day as I walked back to the tavern not even looking back to see the crimson color of the sky that day as the sun set. Not even to catch another glance at the women who had stolen my heart...

Authors note: 

Omg I'm sorry this is such a sad chapter...It'll get better I promise! 

Until next time, cya!

The Boy with Golden Hair and Emerald eyes (Meliodas x reader) (nnt/tsds)Where stories live. Discover now