Part 10: Hair loss

Start from the beginning

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!" a scream came through my ears.

"What the hell?" Marcus shouted, waking up from his slumber

"That sounded like Michael, come on"

We went into the bathroom and Michael was freaking out. I could see a joke burn a hair in the sink. He was nearly bald. There was still new growth in his head.

"What happened!?"

" I don't know, went I woke up and went to the bathroom my hair suddenly fell off, I don't get it, I took care of my hair very well! "He shrieked

" Huh, this sounds like something Alex and Rachel might know"I said

"Yeah maybe it might be a spell gone wrong" Marcus said

"Please, I know how to control my powers"he scoffed

" just go then"


(Alex's POV)

"Well Rachel, it seems Michael has been controlling his powers very well"I smiled

" Yeah...but... "

"But what?"

" we should of told him about the... "

"Girls you gotta help me!" Michael screamed as he barged into our house

"Hey Mike...what's with the snow hat!" I asked

He pulled the hat off and we saw that his locks have fallen off. I knew this was going to happen.

(Michael's POV)

"I know right, it's awful, what am I going to do!?" I screamed in worry

Out of nowhere they started cheering for me.

"Uh...what the hell?"

" Congratulations Michael, we are so proud of you! "Rachel squealed

" But...but...I LOST MY HAIR!!! "

"Exactly, your going through Archwrath"Alex smiled

" what is that? "

"Oh it's something all angels go through after two years of training" she said"It means that your powers are growing, you might even find a new power"

"However there are some effects like hair loss, fatigue, power drain, and soreness"Rachel said

" so that means my powers are weakened? "

"Yep"she said"But don't worry it only lasts until midnight, soon your powers will be back to normal and your hair will go back to once it was"

"Oh great, so I'm going to be bald until midnight?" I groaned

"Not really bald, you still got some new growth in you, it actually looks nice on you"

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