Yoongi Pact

38 2 16


"In case you're wondering, I said yes I love you. With all of my heart and nothing would ever change that." He tells me before leaning in and pulling down our masks and kissing me softly.


Slowly, we pull apart and stare into each others eyes until we hear a flash.

"Oppa..Did you h-" I start before he interrupts m.

"Yes. I heard it. Hopefully they couldn't see my face." He says as he pulls both of our masks back over our faces and grabs my hand so we could run.

"스가, 우리는 몇 가지 질문이." (Suga we have some questions.)

"오빠!" (Oppa)

"사랑해요" (I love you)

Crowds of people surround us and start yelling in Korean, and Yoongi tries to distract them from the kiss after whispering for me to run home and get the other members.

After about 20 minutes of running, I rush into the house.

"OPPAS! Paparazzi and fans are surrounding Yoongi and we need to help him." I explain after they all run to me.

"Kaja" They all say at the same time and head for the door.

"Yah! Pabos! Wear masks so they don't recognize us" Jin tells them while blocking the door until each of them have masks on.

This time we take the car so we arrive in about 8 minutes, to see everyone still crowded around him.

"What's the plan?" I ask

"I don't know" They all reply at the same time.

After about 2 minutes of silence, Taehyung perks up.

"We would be recognized so none of us can go out there so why don't we send Y/N?" He says causing everyone to facepalm.

"Yah, if a girl is seen with Yoongi, then she will get hate." Jimin says, with the other members nodding in agreement.

"I've got it! What if she dressed like a guy and pretends to be like a friend of Yoongi from High School!" Jungkook adds getting everyone's attention.

"I don't kn-" Jin starts before I interrupt.

"I'll do it" I reply before asking them to help me dress like a guy.

5 minutes later, They finish and I have to say, I actually look like a guy. And I look Korean making it more  believable that we we went to school together.

(I know this is really a Korean guy but I couldn't find a girl dressed like a kpop guy so just pretend)

(I know this is really a Korean guy but I couldn't find a girl dressed like a kpop guy so just pretend)

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

"Wahh, you actually look like a guy" Jin says in admiration at their work.

"So remember Y/N, walk up and pretend you guys are friends from High school." Hoseok says while patting my head.

The Perfect Mistakeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें