2 Years Later

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Dean stepped into the playroom and looked around. It had just been newly done in time for the new arrivals. Sam and Eileen's twins, Kevin and Maura. They had just started crawling, and it had needed a freshen up anyway.
The mural on the wall had been repainted. It took up the stretch of the whole long wall.
Dean and Cas stood smiling with a child in the middle, holding their hands- Jack was 8 now- then Jody and Donna leaning on either side of a reluctant Claire. Sam and Eileen, standing side on, holding a baby each, eyes shining with pride, Bobby and Garth in matching hats and Charlie and Dot, with a young girl gripping their legs laughing merrily. Finally, there was Alex, with a very giggly Lawrence on her shoulders and a very happy Emily by her right side, carrying Joe- to commemorate the day they met them- and even the late additions of Grace and Millie, who were cradling dogs. A collie and a miniature snauzer.
They had been happy for such a long time now, that no-one rememberd what it felt like to be alone anymore. They had the biggest, happiest, weirdest family they could imagine, and they loved it.

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