Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore

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13 June 2017
"Hiya? Anybody home?" Charlie yelled from the door.
Cas and Dean came wandering in from their bedroom, hands locked, laughing like little kids. Something glinted on Cas' hand.
Charlie ran down the stairs and pulled the two of them into a giant hug.
"Congrats! When's the wedding?"
"Woah Woah... Haven't started worrying about that yet" Dean said, taken aback by the forcefulness of the question.
"Im thinking in the summer" Cas smiled.
"Yeah, in the clearing in the woods where we had the picnic with Kelly, we could have fairy lights on the trees and....." the rest was muffled as Cas and Charlie walked if discussing wedding plans.
Dran wasn't much into planning, he thought he would pretty much just go along with whatever everyone decided. You could bet that once everyone got involved he wouldn't get much of a choice anyway.

Sam and Eileen came in minutes later, with the baby and greeted Dean warmly.
"Yes. We are Enganged" He smiled, as he new what they were trying to ask.
They both hugged him and congratulated him and dragged him into the Dean Cave for wedding discussions and alcohol. Lots of it was needed for Dean to make it through alive.
"Are you alright baby?" Sam said as ha and Eileen returned to their room. He had noticed her being a little quieter than usual this evening.
"Yeah I just....... Too many people talkin at the same time, couldn't really keep up. Being deaf sucks!"
"Oh. It wasn't anything interesting anyway. They didn't make any final decisions."
"Thats not the point Sam!" Eileen yelled. "Sorry I didn't mean to- its just, you cant understand." Eileen was worried that she would have made Sam angry or upset but he just pulled her into his arms and said something in her ear- she could feel his breath.
"What did you say?"
"I said, Help me understand" Sam smiled kindly.
"I just... Sometimes It just gets me down. I realise what I'm missing out on."
"What do you mean Babe?" Sam gently squeezed Eileen's shoulders.
"Well I've never even heard my own voice. I'v never heard music. Birds. The wind. Running water. All the things that should be experienced, I've just seen. I've never heard your voice. I dont know what I sound like during sex. Which is probably the wierdest thought I've-"
"Woah Woah.... First off, your sex noises are litterally Amazing."
Eileen blushed and giggled.
"Secondly, where did this all come from? You have always seemed so at peace with what you know you can't change."
"Well...... I am, I just..... Look, when I asked how many long term relationships you had been in it was because I have never been in any." It all came out un a rush if words and ended in tears.
"So? Do you think that bothers me?"
"Well yeah... I thought it might have"
"No. Although it suprises me. Your beautiful.... Funny.... Kind. Any man would be lucky to have you."
"That's the thing. It was my disability. Most of them didn't want to be with me because if it. And im worried that it will drive us apart aswell."
"Why? If I was bothered by it I wouldn't be dating you." He paused and stared at her intensly before saying.
"Eileen Leahy I love you. EXCACTLY how you are" and kissing her so she couldn't argue back.
Charlie sat down on her bed and waited for Dot. She had gone into the bathroom and was taking forever.
"You ready Babe?"
"Yep" Charlie called back.
Dorothy stepped out of the bathroom and Charlie's jaw drooped.
She was wearing lacey red panties that didn't really cover much, a matching bra that pushed her boobs up and made them look even bigger than usual, connected to a see through red material that billowed around her hips.
"You look gorgeous" Charlie grinned.
"Thanks Babe" Dorothy said as she sauntered over to the bed and delicately sat down onto Charlie's lap.
She stroked her hand through Charlie's hair and down her cheek. Grabbing her neck lightly for support, she leant into a fierce and passionate kiss.
Charlie's hands crept along Dorothy, following the curves if her body.
Dot's hand ventured down Charlie's front gently, they stopped breifly at her breasts and then moved to her Pajama waist band. Her hand slipped under them and down.
Charlie moaned into their kiss and Dot took the encouragement.
"How's my baby, yeah, I love you. Yes I do Jack Jack. I love you so much" Dean cooed as he bounced the Baby gently in his arms. He had learnt how to properly hold him now, although it still felt foreign to him.
He knew all very well what everyone in the bunker was up to, and frankly it was disturbing with a baby around. Not that he was going to stop them.
He and Cas had been making time for that when the baby was out with the others.
They had had Jack now for four weeks, and somehow Dean loved him more with everyday that passed.
"Yes, Dadda loves you" Dean said again, stroking the babies forehead.
The baby made a happy gurgling sound and reached out for Dean.
"I love you so much. I will never leave you. I will always protect you." Dean smiled and held Jack's hand. "Always"
19 June 2017
"Be careful out there guys. We have a baby to raise and we're not doing it alone. You come back in one peace" Dean said as he hugged each of them goodbye and went to stand beside Cas, who had already done the hugging.
"Oh, and call us if you get into trouble" Cas added.
"Most certainly not" Sam smiled.
"You have a nice time. We will bring you back a head on a stick" Eileen said with a laugh.
"Bye guys" Dean said as they all slipped out of the bunker.
"Its just me, you and Papa" Dean smiled down at Jack and pulled a funny face, which the baby giggled at.

I Cant Fight This Feeling Anymore (Destiel) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now