*And throw away the oars

52 4 0

19 May 2017
Dean had just put the baby to bed after feeding him when he reached into his pocket and pulled out the small vile of ashes. How it had not cracked or completely shattered by now he would never know. He placed it in his bedside draw and went to find Cas. He found him in the library reading a huge leather bound book about Nephilm, in his PJs.
"What'ya found then?" Dean said as he cleared his throat and walked up to him.
"Oh hey Baby" Cas said as he realised Dean was there.
Dean bent down for a brief kiss and then sat himself oposite Cas.
"A lot actually. The reason we thought he looked like us is because he does. Nephilm can subconsciously change their appearance when they are just born. Mostly they dont, but he must have latched onto us and made himself look like a mixture of us."
"Cool, glad I can pass on the goodlookin genes" He and Cas laughed.
"Also, he is going to age at 4 times the page of a human. Eventually he will get to a chosen age and he will just stop growing, although there is no way to predict what age this will be."
"Hold on a minute!" Dean tried to wrap his head around all the facts.
"Your telling me that in 4 months this kid is gonna be 1"
"Yes Dean. And in 4 years he will be 16"
"Well shit Cas that's kinda major"
"Its nothing we cant handle. Remember" Cas smiled.
"Your right Baby." Dean kissed him gently and hooked his arms around his waist to lift him up.
"Time for bed now, bookworm" Dean dragged Cas to bed and they snuggled up to sleep.
20 May 2017
The next morning Dean loloped into the kitchen with the Jack in his arms.
He rarely ever cried, he didn't need feeding as often as human babies, meaning he didn't poop as often. He was pretty much a perfect Baby plus he was so sweet and cute. Dean had his own breakfast while Cas held the baby, and then they switched.
20 May- 3 June 2017
Life was pretty perfect for everyone in the bunker. Mary was out a lot though. She would come back for a day and then leave for a week.
Dean and Cas had decided to quit hunting for a short while- knowing them, very short- but the others still went out and fought the good fight, one small case at a time.
2 weeks in- two months for Jack- Dean started going a little stir crazy. It wasn't the baby, it was the bunker. It wasn't exactly the best place to be stuck at all times of the day and night.
So, when Sam and Eileen came back from a vengeful spirit case in Nebraska, he asked them if they could look after Jack for two days while he and Cas went on a little trip.
Luckily they were more than obliged, they were excited to have him.
4 June 2017
"Cas pack some undys and PJs, we are going away. Only for one night. Dont worry Jack is with Sam and Eileen."
Cas had no arguments, he shoved some stuff in a bag and rushed after Dean.
"First we are nippin' to the shops, I need to see if I can find something."
"Ok baby" Cas smiled and kissed Dean's cheek.

"Bye Guys. Sorry we are missing your birthday Dot" Dean smiled.
"Its cool. I think me and Charlie have something planned for-"
"Ok. Thats all I need to know. Thankyou!"
Dean bought a small glass bottle on a chain, it was empty and had a cork for the lid. It was perfect. He placed it between the clothes in their bag to create padding.
Then they set off for the hotel.

Dean had booked a 4 star hotel, which was pretty much the best they could afford. It was great though. The man behind the desk even smiled when they said what room they had booked- a double bed room- and not a nasty smile. It had a pool, which they took a quick dip in before lunch. After lunch they went to the public gun range, which Cas suggested and Dean loved. Some guy got cocky and thought he would be ao much better than Dean, so challenged him. Dean got 10 head shots in about 9 seconds. The other guy got 4 and 5 chest and 1 didn't even hit the board. Then when they were celebrating, Cas and Dean shared a brief kiss, at which the Jerk called them Faggots. Dean was going to retaliate, when Cas laughed and said "Well you just got thrashed by a faggot then" at which the man huffed and walked off. They laughed all the drive back to the hotel where they went to dinner.
" I had a great time today Dean. Its nice to break habit every now and then"
"And you know what we can do now there isn't a baby in the vicinity?" Dean smirked.
"Well I had a few ideas" Cas said and stepped closer to Dean, grabbing his waist and pulling him in close.
Dean layed Cas back in the bed and leant over him. He grabbed Cas' tie and used it to pull Cas into a passionate kiss. Their tongues collided and battled for dominance. Dean won.
Cas arched his back off the bed enough for Dean to pull off his trench coat and then he started unbuttoning Cas' shirt. He planted gentle kisses all the way down his torso and sucked lightly on his nipple, causing a small moan to escape Cas' lips. Slowly Cas sat up and pulled Dean onto his lap, he yanked Dean's shirt off and pulled him in. They sat like this for a while, just holding each other and kissing eachother along their bare collorbones and shoulders.
Then Dean started to shimmy down his jeans and worked on Cas'. Once they were down to their boxers Dean reached across to their back and grabbed the lube, all while kissing Cas and caressing his lightly toned chest.
He slipped off Cas' and his boxers.
"Dean I love you" Cas said as Dean slicked his dick with lube.
"And I love you Baby" He smiled back.
Dean very slowly and carefully lowered himself onto Cas' growing erection with a low groan.
Once he was seated back on Cas' lap he gave himself a moment to adjust. Cas leant into Dean and kissed along his jaw. This whole situation was much more romantic than some of their more heated sessions, and Dean enjoyed the closeness of it. Dean slowly rolled his hips, which caused Cas to moan loudly and bury his head in Dean's shoulder. Dean bit his bottom lip in an effort to suppress too many noises, as he picked up the pace if his movements.
Cas hugged Dean's body and moaned into his skin, fingernails dragging lightly in his back.
The movements continued until Dean wrapped his own arms around Cas' back and heard his pained whimper.

I Cant Fight This Feeling Anymore (Destiel) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now