Chapter 11: A Date to Forget

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Elijah's POV

It's Saturday night and I'm dressed up in a striped shirt, black and white converse, and a black skirt. My hair is brushed straight and a light coat of foundation layered my face. I also had on a couple accessories include a necklace, a watch, and some hoop earrings.
I grab one of my pocket knifes and slide it into the side of my bag, just in case. Luke's words still resonating within me. He seemed pretty sure that going on this date was a bad thing to do... but maybe he's just jealous.
I've known the man not even a full month, but we have kissed. And maybe that was the problem. Damn, I really need to learn not to lead people on. I don't need another repeat of what happened with Teo. I don't want to up root and move my family again because of my mistake.
Anyways I hear the sound of a car pull up to the driveway, and yell up to my mom that Im Leaving. Then run outside.

"Hey Ash" I smile.

"Hey beautiful" he reply's.

I jump into the passenger seat and close the car door behind me.

"Where we off to?" I question. He smiles, puts the car in gear, than drives off.

- - -
Five minutes of driving later and we pull up to a fancy restaurant.

"I can't afford this" I tell him "no way in hell"

He shakes his head. "Don't worry you'll pay me back later" he smirks

The way he says this gives me a bad feeling, but I still follow him inside and we immediately are seated.

The waiter takes our order, me getting the lasagna while he gets the crab.

We make polite conversation, but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. It's more awkward than anything.

Before long the bill is set on the table and we're getting up to leave.

We climb into his car and begin driving. Before long I realize we're not going the right way.

"Um actually my house is the other way." I state, partly nervous.

He smiles "we have one more place to go."

I try to relax in my seat, partly unsettled.

We pull up to a house, no, mansion. And he parks the car.

"I had a really great time with you tonight" he states, his hand still of the steering wheel.

I unbuckle my seat belt, scared of what'll happen next.

TRIGGER WARNING (attempted rape and violence.. skip down to TRIGGER WARNING END if needed)

He reaches for me and tries to pull me into a kiss, I jerk away from him.

"Excuse me?!" I bark "what are you doing?"

"You said you'd pay me back." He speaks like it's the most obvious thing in the world

"I'm no... that's what you said. And if I were to pay you back it would be with money, not like this.

He sets his hand on my thigh, pushing down roughly.

"Oh cmon baby girl, this will me a lot more fun." He smirks.

I reach behind me, trying to open the door, he grabs my hand, hard, pulling me against him. His hands travel down my pants and a into my underwear.

I scream, he freezes long enough for me to get my hand free and punch him.

"Son of a bitch!" He calls out.

I quickly open the car door, pulling myself away from him, and grabbing my bag. He tries to grab for me but I open my pocket knife and stab his hand into the middle storage space.

The bastard screams out in pain and I run off, trying to get away from the scene as quick as possible.


I rush down the street, taking as many twist and turns as possible. Once I'm far enough away I take out my phone, and dial Max's number. No answer. Then moms. Again ignored. Finally I call Luke.

"Hello?" He answers

I pause, not sure what to say. The adrenaline begins to wear off as I begin to clearly understand what happened.

"Luke?" My voice is shaky, tears fall from my eyes.

"Where are you?"

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