Country Club Chatter

Start from the beginning

"Cecelia!" Juliet walked to the woman with open arms, accepting the patronizing air-hug that Cecelia brought to her.

"You look healthy, especially around the middle. Eating well I suppose?" Cecelia winked.

"I only aspire to be half as... healthy as you, Cecelia dear," Juliet quipped back.

Cecelia's mouth twitched, but she didn't drop her smile. "Why don't you join us? We were just sitting down to tea."

"That would be lovely, Cecelia." Juliet smiled sweetly at her, then walked over to where one of Cecelia's companions had already pulled out a chair for her. Oliver joined as well, and tucked away his pipe. Pretty soon it was Juliet, Cecelia, Oliver, two gentlemen that Oliver didn't know the name of, and the quiet Emily Goldpedal, whom Oliver recognized as an editor for the Brasslantis Times and writer for their gossip column. 

"I'll call for more tea, dears," Cecelia said sweetly, raising a hand and signaling a waiter with a cart.

"Thank you, Mrs. Darling," Oliver said as he unclipped his tea cup from the leather holster at his side.

"So, Juliet," One of the men caught her attention. "Who is your friend here?" 

Juliet eyed Oliver and pursed her lips. "This is Oliver Ambrose. He is-"

"The sharpest detective in Brasslantis, lovely to meet you." Oliver shook hands while Juliet roller her eyes.

"Oliver," she said. "This is Harry Wellslingtonford the fourth and Bob Miller."

"A pleasure," the gentlemen all said.

"Ah! The tea is here." Cecelia clapped her hands together while the waiter situated the newcomers with tea and scones. 

"So, what brings you to the club today, Oliver?" Asked Harry.

"A bit of work," Oliver said, really bringing out his moody nature with a forlorn look in the distance. "Are any of you familiar with a Miss Phoebe Lushington?"

"Of the First Bank of Brasslantis Lushingtons?" Cecelia clarified. "Of course! A dear girl. A bit of an odd duck, but she means well I'm sure."

"Why do you ask?" Bob asked.

"Oliver, I think that information is classif-"

"Because, Phoebe Lushington has been found dead. Murdered," Oliver whispered, dramatically.

"No!" Cecelia covered her mouth. Emily looked like she was about to feint, and Harry and Bob exchanged surprised looks. 

"But... she was fine just yesterday," Harry said. "She was here at tea time with the rest of the usual crowd."

"Who could want a ditz like Phoebe dead?" Emily said, weakly. "She wouldn't hurt a fly."

The table sat in quiet contemplation for a long moment. Laughter and background chatter from other tables on the terrace snapped Cecelia out of it first. "Well, she had been associating with that mysterious character of hers lately."

Murmurs of agreement swept around the table. 

"Wait, who was she been seeing?" Oliver asked with a frown. "A mysterious character?" 

The group looked around at each other, and Cecelia cleared her throat. "Well, we don't have a name. She would go around saying 'my friend' this and 'my friend' that. But we all got the feeling she was talking about the same person. What's more strange is that she became more reclusive in the last few weeks. Fired most of her staff and bought an apartment with only one butler to take care of things."

"I can't believe anyone would want to move out of the Lushington estate," Juliet whistled. "That place is gorgeous, and completely steam powered."

"Well something made her move out," Cecelia said in hushed tones. "And just between us, I have suspicions of her 'friend' having something to do with it."

"Can't rule out her family though," Harry said nodding sagely. "Madam Lushington is known to be a real lady dragon of the family. That can't be easy to live under."

"Excellent," Oliver said, standing and draining his tea. "I think you have helped a great deal."

"Oliver, where are you going?" Juliet asked.

"To the Lushington estate and the new apartment!" Oliver said, dashing though the doors and off the terrace. 

"Oliver!" Juliet called after him, lifting her skirts and running to catch up. "You haven't the first clue as to where to find the estate or the apartment!"

But Oliver couldn't her her over the smugness of his detective's ego, and the two of them ran from the club and into Brasslantis.

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