Chapter 44

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I had no idea how long I had been unconscious, but I new for a fact I was, indeed, unconscious.

The peace I felt, the meadow with white daisies and a full moon, all indicated I was not awake.

I sighed, messing with the grass at the edge of my white dress.

This was a dream, but something was missing.

The other me wasn't here, I knew why of course, because she and I were one now.

She had been the vampire side of me that laid dormant, a missing piece of the puzzle.

I sighed again as thoughts began to swirl in my mind.

Was Devon okay? Had Xavier made it back? Where was Malik?

A strange pain began to etch itself into my abdomen. It was dull but still painful.

The sensation didn't stop there, soon my entire body hurt.

Was I waking up?

I glanced around me, the meadow was still there, and the moon above still shined.

What the hell was going on?

Suddenly, a lake formed in front of me.

I moved towards it, but the pain in my body was increasing drastically, making it hard to move.

I eventually reached the edge of the water and peered into it. What I saw shocked me to my core.

The whites of my eyes were black, but my irises were a bright crimson. That wasn't the part that shocked me though. I watched in horror as blood ran down my cheeks from my eyes. Soon blood dripped from my nose and lips.

Panic ran through me, what the fuck was happening to me?

I wanted to scream, I needed to wake up!

I tried to stand, moving my body around as much as I could to wake myself up.

I pinched my arm, hard, I thought it might even bruise. Nothing was working!

I looked back into the lake, the blood was still running down my face. Drops fell into the water, but something started to change.

When the blood hit the water, it made it more clear. The lake began to change, it glistened in the moonlight, sparkling ever so beautifully.

I starred in awe, what did this mean?

My eyes opened and I took a deep breath in, startling Xavier who was sitting next to me in a chair.

"Hey you're awake!" He said joyfully and quickly came to my side. "How do you feel? Any pain? You were mumbling to yourself like an hour ago."

I looked up at him, trying to remember what had happened before I passed out. Then it hit me, a rush of memories flooded my mind, making me almost dizzy.

I subconsciously ran my hands over my body, checking for injuries, but thankfully found none. Being a vampire with super healing was pretty cool sometimes.  I also noticed I was no longer in my bloody, torn up clothes and I silently hoped it was Devon who cleaned me up.

"I'm fine, what about you though? How do you feel?" I asked, he gave me a look.

"Uhh I'm fine, you should at least pretend to be more concerned about yourself." He put one hand on his hip and gave me a look. I grinned at him.

"Sorry, how long have I been out?"

"Only a day, but it's been crazy since."

Xavier went on to explain everything that had happened. Cyrus was dead and Malik was the new Master Warrior. He was able to capture and defeat Bellona while Devon faced Thane in hand to hand combat and won, ending the battle entirely.

"There's a funeral tomorrow night for Cyrus, he's going to be burned on a funeral pyre along with the other warriors who died." Xavier's face turned grim, I only nodded, it was a lot of information to take in and I didn't have the words.

"Where's Devon now?" I asked after a few moments.

"He's with Malik and master Camilla upstairs, we can go see them if you want." I nodded again and Xavier held out his hand, helping me to sit up. The second I moved I felt dizzy and my throat was like sandpaper.

"Hey uh-" I started but Xavier held up his hand.

"No worries, I thought of that too, Katie is waiting down the hall, I'll get her for you." He gave me a cheeky smile and headed out the door.


After feeding, Xavier and I headed upstairs.

As we walked through the large double doors, three pairs of eyes stared right at me.

Devon was the first to recover and walked over to me. Wrapping me in his warm embrace. I breathed in his scent, feeling ten times better.

"I was hoping you wouldn't wake up until I got back downstairs." He mumbled and kissed the top of my head.

"Are you saying you wish I wasn't awake right now?" I said into his chest and he chuckled. He stepped back, and I was surprised to feel another pair of arms around me.

"Thank you so much for saving him." Malik whispered into my ear. I wrapped my arms around his waist and gave him a squeeze.

"I'd do it ten times over." I whispered back.

When he let go, Camilla walked up to me. I had seen her before, only briefly, but I didn't realize how absolutely stunning she was.

Her golden curly hair and radiant sea green eyes had me almost dumbfounded. She walked with grace, her slender but curvy hips swayed with each step. She looked like a queen, all she needed was a crown.

Although, as she got closer, I could see she had dark circles around her eyes and her skin was slightly paled. Her smile was there but it didn't reach her eyes, she looked sad.

"I don't believe I've had the pleasure of making your acquaintance yet, but I've heard very much about you young Electus, I am Camilla of the Southern warrior coven." Camilla bowed to me, which felt odd, but she quickly stood and held out her hand.

"Emily is fine, and it's nice to meet you too Master Camilla." I said, she smiled sweetly at me.

"Just Camilla, you out rank me for sure." I raised an eyebrow but before I could even open my mouth she turned, heading back over towards the desk.

We all followed, it felt so strange Cyrus wasn't here. I had only known him for a short while but even I was shocked by his death.

Devon, Malik and Camilla talked about the funeral, while Xavier and I sat on the couch against the wall. We stayed quiet for the most part, just listening to the others.

I let my mind drift, thinking about what was to come. I also thought about my dream and what it meant, all my weird dreams meant something.

When the meeting was over, Devon took me back to our room. It was past sunrise and even though I had slept for over twenty four hours I was exhausted.

We curled into bed, holding each other as Devon whispered sweet nothings into my ear, and I slowly drifted to sleep.

Endless Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon