West of Westeros

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Summery: Arya discovers what is west of Westeros. More Dragons, more war and Daenerys, alive, tasked with protecting the Varden's last hope in taking back Alagaësia. Two young dragon riding twins who are the centre of a battle as to who can claim them as their champions and use them to turn the tide of war in their favour.  

She didn't like it here. It was as simple as that. She, Arya Stark had found a place she truly hated, no. Despised to the pit of her stomach. At first, she thought it was Sansa's demands to find out more about the far off king who threatened Westeros with dragon fire, a story that was all too familiar and no doubt, had high and low born quaking with fear already.

After a long night she decided it was the way dragon statues hung on buildings like Drogon looming over cowered subjects. Ugly dragon gargoyles that were beautifully crafted watched over townsfolk that were wrapt with fear. Even so far East to the empire that they had reportedly not seen Galbatorix, the dragon king, and his men for many years.

One week into her stay in the town she realised exactly what she hated about these lands, it was the misery of the people. Pungent enough that she would always remember her stay. "It is awful." Gendry muttered as he frowned at self appointed guards of Galbatorix. "They have no right to claim their title or what they pillage."

"How do you know who does and does not have rights here?" Arya asked as they both stood on the rooftop ledge, unspotable from their perch that she had chosen carefully.

"Well our information source is rather loud mouthed, he explained what had been going on and... I do not think it could be much worse."

Arya didn't reply. She watched as the faux guards herded cowering mothers into corners as they begged not to be robbed or attacked, their children clinging to them in fear. "I thought the dragon queen was supposed to have fixed these cities up." She snapped irritably. The heat was getting to her. Or perhaps it was having to wait for her informant.

"I am pretty sure she never got this far. But I do agree with you. Someone needs to bring order to this place." Gendry muttered, gesturing to the informant who was trying to slide through the crowds unnoticed.


Daenerys gasped as her eyes snapped open. Wearily she turned looking for anything familiar. The room was dimly lit and from what she could see it looked reminiscent of the cities beyond the sea. There was nothing to tell her she was still in Westeros.

"I had begun to think the Lord of Light had changed his mind." A familiar voice said as a soft sheet was draped over Daenerys and walked round the table she'd been laying on.

"I know you. Kinvara?" Daenerys asked, recalling meeting they had at one time. In her next moments Daenerys searched her body for the wound that should have. But there wasn't one. She was fine.

"As I was saying. The Lord of Light has seen fit to revive you." Kinvara started to explain. "There is a new prophecy. Involving you and what you've left behind in Westeros."

Anger burned through Daenerys as she recalled what had happened. "Good, then I have reason to go back, and complete what I started." She seethed but Kinvara held up a hand.

"The lord of light, he repays the price he took. Three comets shall be yours. One for the shade, One for the crown, One to be found. But take heed and fix the bonds broken and burned. Do not let history repeat. The lord of light is merciful, But he will not defend your comets. For if you fail. They shall fall, And fall, And fall." She smiled and bowed as younger woman in red dresses entered with clothing for Daenerys. "We will talk more once you're tended to."


"Where is Drogon?" Daenerys asked as soon she saw Kinvara again.

"After you were brought here he went to Carvahall. The Lord of Light needs you to take charge of the dragons riders that were made a few days earlier. They are in great peril. Drogon has gone to protect them." She explained with a smile.

"You have taken my dragon..." Daenerys started, glaring furiously when she was cut off.

"He will return with the newborn dragon and it;s riders. They are highly valuable and needed to keep these lands safe." Kinvara explained.

"So these dragon riders are going to be your Lord of Light's champion? To help him conquer the lands?" Daenerys accused and the red priestess laughed.

"It will be many years before they are ready to be champions. They need to learn first. We have Maesters to mentor them as they get older, they will need to be closely monitored as they learn dragon magic." She smiled at Daenerys whose expression had ganged to something dangerous. Kinvara took a step back when Daenerys rose from her chair and folded her hands in front of her.

"You expect me, to let you turn children into weapons!" Daenerys spat out furiously as she tried to keep her cool.

"Children? They're both sixteen years of age, old enough to know right from wrong, to know that the Lord of Light's path is the correct one." Kinvara said firmly and watched Daenerys pull back all expression from her face and for a moment she thought the dragon mother had yielded.

"Well, we shall see what your babes choose to do when they arrive. No child will agree to what you are offering. I have lived through it, sold, bargened over, people have tried to trick and conquer me. People always seem to underestimate those they view as weaker than them." Without another word Daenerys left the room, heading through the halls of the temple. If they were going to demand she mother children, she would, the Lord of Light would have to fight his war without them. Entering her room, she paused, looking out over the view of the ocean and out over the coast. She hoped more than anything Drogon would be back soon, she was still adjusting to what had happened, mourning what she'd lost. All she wanted was to see a dragon on the horizon to give her a sense of normality.

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