Power - Halloween 2021

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The knights surrounded you as you started to look around. You tried your best to find a way to get out, perhaps to climb up out of reach. The knights flooded the small square and you quickly realised there really was no way out.

You couldn't tell who the knights belonged to. Given the importance of the parcel you'd retrieved, you assumed it would be best to get away from them, no matter who you are.

"Surrender!" Someone shouted. Their voice muffled by the helmet protecting their face. You started to feel breathless and trapped. You clutched the parcel as tightly as you coud, as if you could protect it. With no other choice you sat on the floor, putting the parcel between your crossed legs and focusing as hard as you could. Just as the knights started to close in, Unsullied flooded the square and forced the knights to retreat. You watched as arrows and swords struck the air, spears whistling around. One arrow becomes stuck in the air, floating, close to your head. Once the square was clear a familiar figure made their way towards you.

"All right, you're surrounded. Throw down your magic, and come out with your hands up." Daenerys said. You smiled and focused again. Grey Worm and Daario were quick to get rid of the weapons that had gotten stuck by the protection you'd created around yourself.

"You have come quite far while you have been away." Missandei observed. You smiled and nodded, turning back to Daenerys. She'd sent you away when a woman dressed in red, her face completely hidden, had insisted that it was necessary. You'd had some sort of power but it was small and weak, until you'd been sent away.

"I hate it." You said as you hurried to her. Daenerys frowned as you held up your package and carefully opened it. You heard a few gasps and saw Jorah's face fall.

"This... is your proof." Daenerys asked carefully. She took the package and looked at it.

"It's a dragon egg. There is a tooth as well. They have a dragon under their castle. I know it." You explained quickly. Daenerys turned to Jorah for a moment and he nodded. In a few moments a brazier was brought forward and lit. Daenerys placed the egg on the fire and carefully turned the egg over several minutes. She inspected the tooth and handed it to Missandei who vanished it into the folds of her dress.

"It's real." Daenerys said. When you turned your attention back to Daenerys she was holding the egg. Jorah frowned and Daario stepped closer. "You are sure that they have a dragon?"

"Yes. I know the sound. When I first arrived it made noise at night, like when the dragons were younger. But recently I heard it, it sounds bigger. We started to study spells to make things grow... When I found the egg I had to get word to you. But they tried to stop me." You explained. Daenerys went very quiet and gestured for someone to come forward. They hurried to bring something to wrap the egg in. It looked like one of the Targaryen flags that the army carried in battle.

"You were very brave to go against them alone. Grey Worm, please find your best men and assign them to protect (Y/N). They will be carrying the egg until we get back to our camp. I think they have shown they are more than capable of protecting it." Daenerys said quickly. Grey Worm nodded and hurried into a crowd of Unsullied.

Daenerys Targaryen ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant