The Heir

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Warning: The reader dies / mentions of death

"Bring me healers!" Daenerys shouted as she knelt beside you. Her hand gently stroked your forehead while the other was clutched tightly enough to break. She hushed and soothed you as pain forced your voice to a whisper.

"Khaleesi?" A woman called as she rushed down the halls towards the two of you.

"I need you to fetch healers, prepare my sisters rooms. She is giving birth." Daenerys said hurriedly.

Jorah rushed down the hall, followed by Misandii and another young woman who had rushed to find help. He gently lifted you through the marble halls and followed the rushing group to your rooms.

You were laid down and Daenerys took over running cool cloths over your head. Jorah rushed off too find more help. The women fussed and worked as Daenerys kept an encouraging ramble of words.

"Danny." You whispered through breathtaking pain. "Danny if I die." You said and found your sister shushing you.

"Do not be silly! You will be fine and we shall celebrate the new birth." Daenerys insisted. She stroked your hair and leant in closer.

"If I die. Take the baby as yours. You will need an heir." You gasped. She didn't get the chance to reply as you cried out with pain.

Time dragged on and Daenerys was sure that it had been days. When the first cry of the baby sounded Missandei rushed to take the new to Jorah, Grey Worm and Lord Tyrion who were patiently waiting for a report.

"It is a girl. A Princess." She said with a smile. The group celebrated outside as the baby was cleaned off, handed to your sister who looked at your child the way she had her dragons when they were first born.

"She is so lovely." You whispered to her and Daenerys let out a happy laugh. You smiled as she watched the girl who was tucked tightly into her arms. "Oh (Y/N)... (Y/N)!" When Daenerys looked down you were pale, paler than you'd been moments before.

"Please, we must see to her." A woman said and gently guided the queen away from you.

"My sister! (Y/N)! Get your hands off me!" She shouted. Missandei rushed back to her side and hugged her as she sank to the floor. They sat together as the girl in her arms gurgled.


"You have not seen the child." Tyrion said as he found Daenerys sat alone. He sat beside her and stayed quiet. Your death had been felt city wide. Tyrion knew that it would be difficult getting through it, over it. As much as he wished he could mourn with the rest he knew it was risky to get lost in it all, when the goals they were aiming for were so close.

"How can I see her? Her father died for me. Her mother... If I had moved on as soon as we arrived here, would Westeros healers done any better. Is this my fault?" She said. He sighed and was quiet for a moment.

"Your sister and her husband both chose to follow you and not your brother. They had plenty of chances to use (Y/N)'s claim as the older sister to... overthrow you. Her husband died protecting your people and she died giving you an heir." He sighed when she turned to look at him sharply.

"Your speech does not make me feel better!" She snapped and frowned when he nodded.

"My point is, We stop here, falter at Meereen and that is where we disappear. Or. You do your best to complete the task so many have tried to do. We get you to the throne, with an heir. But what we do, that is up to you. We will mourn, we will fight. But we do it for you." With that he stood and walked away, hoping he hadn't it been to harsh.

"You're trying to play a hand? Or do you too feel the loss of the Queen's sister?" Varys asked as he fell in step with Tyrion who stopped and sighed.

"Do not pretend as if her death has not affected you too. While I wish we could stop here and live in her memory, (Y/N) would have hated being the thing that holds Daenerys back. She knows that and the Khaleesi will make her decision." Tyrion shook his head as he finished and Varys let an air of silence fall over them as they walked the halls.

"Such a strange place without her, I had not known her long but we spoke often. We would march these very halls, as if we were guards. Guards of knowledge but nonetheless... I will be sure to secure the child as Daenerys' rather than her sisters if that is what the Khaleesi wishes. But it is for (Y/N) that I will ensure a safe house of befitting standing." Varys bowed out of the room and rushed off, leaving Tyrion with the distinct feeling that even Varys had been shaken to the core by your passing.


"The dragon!" Someone yelped. "Khaleesi! The dragon! It is with the baby!" A worried girl called she explained that she and some others were set to work looking after the baby but the dragon would not leave it alone today.

Daenerys gently glided into the room and set eyes on her niece for the first time since her birth. The child smiled, grabbing and reaching for Daenerys who offered her hand to distract from the large shadows that crept around the wide window.

"Drogon!" She said sharply when the dragon stuck it's snout through the window. Glancing back at the baby she saw no fear. A frown upon the chubby face, as if offended that they had been interrupted, rather than fearful.

She watched, awestruck, as her niece began to giggle at noises Drogon made. He vanished from the window before suddenly returning, having heard a group of butterflies into the bedroom. A laugh left her lips as she watched the baby kick and grab from them, screeching delightfully when they came close.

With a gentle caress Daenerys sent the dragon on his way. "You have befriended the dragon, hmm? What a fright you've given your handmaidens sweet child. Let me show you how they fly. They will be like your butterflies." She said and gently scooped the babe up. Pausing for a moment to add. "Very large butterflies. Some are afraid of them but I feel... you, are going to get them into a lot of trouble when you are grown." She laughed as the baby giggled, playing with her necklace.

The two wondered out to the balcony in the throne room and watched the dragons. Tyrion walked past and paused, only approaching when Daenerys nodded and motioned for him. The others soon joined, one by one.

"She has no fear. That will not end well." Missandei joke as they watched the child squeal and encourage the dragons with the noise. They spent the day at the balcony, enjoying a moment of peace, the people of Meereen all brought small gifts and left them at the doors of the palace, sending blessings from their god's up to the newest Targaryen.

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