
Leader: minsoo, just ignore him for now, okay?

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Leader: minsoo, just ignore him for now, okay?

Leader: listen to my explanation and then you can decide if you want to leave or not..

Leader: i'd have explained it to u in private but i'm blocked there so..

Bunny: just FOOKING jump into the conclusion!

Gucciprinceu: stfu

Leader: minsoo, i'll start off by saying sorry

Leader: i truly am sorry.. i wasn't there for you when you needed me and just suddenly appeared again acting as if nothing ever happened.

Leader: the truth is, i was hurt. yeah, it's true that i'm used to hate comments and insults but deep down those words still burns and hurts

Leader: when you insulted me, i understand that i was being possessive and selfish by not letting you talk to other members and just me so you got mad and insulted me

Leader: and i acted like a total child and blocked you for weeks

Leader: so minsoo, i'm really sorry

Leader: i hope you can forgive me and if not, i'll still respect ur decision

Bunny: 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

Bunny: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Yoongzz: damn, you guys are good

Meowsoo: it's alright, namjoon

Meowsoo: i forgive you

Meowsoo: i shouldn't have insulted you knowing how it'd make u feel

Meowsoo: i'm really sorry for that

Meowsoo: god, your text.. sheesh i'm in tears

Leader: don't cry, minsoo

Leader: and thank you so much for understanding

Meowsoo: bijj stfu i'm wailing

Leader: aww, i so badly wanna give you a hug

Leader: oh and also,

Leader: i'd gladly be your husband :)

Bunny: you may now kiss the bird

Bunny: bride*** WTF


Mochi: is that expensive girl i hear in the background?

Handsome: nah that's my pressure cooker whistling

Bunny: hyunggg~ what you cooking?

Sunshine: i'm hungry too

Handsome: kimchi stew

Yoongzz: why the heck would you need a pressure cooker to make a kimchi stew

Bunny: bitchass, it's for steaming the meat

Handsome: thank you for answering that jungkook

Handsome: but go to the bathroom and put a soap in ur mouth

Handsome: the soaps are in the drawer below the sink

Bunny: I'm SORRY

Bunny: PLZ

Bunny: I'll HELP U COOK

Handsome: no not today

Bubby has left the conversation!

Gucciprinceu: lmao he dasi ran

Mochi: he ain't staying alive for long tho

Yoongzz: mhm

Meowsoo: ...

Meowsoo: so this is what usually happens in ur life?

Leader: yep

Leader: and i love it :')

Sunshine: soon you'll be a part of it too, minsoo!!

Gucciprinceu: yeah!

Leader: she will ;)

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