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Man I need to update more, this might be the end of the story if I can't find anymore inspo :(


Kaneki ran and ran. He panted as he stopped for a minute to hold onto a nearby pole, sweat dripping down his forehead and his legs aching but he was determined. Ayato was so close yet so far, he couldn't give up loved him.

Kaneki soon reached the end of the beach and bent over putting his hands on his knees to catch his breath. It was quiet, the only sounds was the sea splashing up against the rocks and the soft breeze as it blew against the blue hair of the Male sitting on the rocks throwing stones into the water. Kaneki's breath caught in his throat as he saw him. The light bouncing against him, he looked like an angel.

That's when Ayato turned his head seeing the tired albino haired Male at the bottom of the rocks. He gasped as tears came to his eyes, the same for kaneki, both so happy to see eachother. They stared into each other's eyes for a moment before Ayato jumped down the rocks and ran into kaneki arms now cryings of happiness as Kaneki held him close, he let his fingers slip through Ayato's locks as he cried too.

After a while they both calmed down, it has taken so long for this moment to come. Ayato pulled back and took a breath, Kaneki moved his hand from his hair to his face and swiping his thumb over his cheek, wiping away his tears. Ayato did his best to keep his eyes from meeting Kaneki's. "It's going to be ok now.. you're ok," Kaneki whispered, smiling slightly, trying to get the shorter man to look at him, "I'm sorry.. for running," Ayato said quietly, "you don't have to apologise.." Kaneki said. Ayato looked up, looking him right in the eyes, "yes I do damnit!.. I shouldn't ha-" Ayato got cut off with a gentle kiss on his lips, Kaneki's hands sliding down to his waist, pulling him closer and holding him there.
Ayato melted under his touch, he wrapped his arms around Kaneki's neck, kissing him back after a moment of feeling pleasant tingles everywhere Kaneki touched.

The scene was beautiful, the sunset dancing of their shoulders as they shared a passionate long waited kiss. Ayato soon pulled away and looked into Kaneki's eyes shocked in a good way. Kaneki smiles widely with his eyes closed at him which made Ayato giggle from his cuteness. They were finally together and it felt amazing.

Kaneki then took Ayato's hands and said "I'm so happy you're okay..." he said gripping his hands a little which Ayato did too. "I love you, asshole" Ayato said with a giggle which made Kaneki blush a little and smiled again "I love you too Ayatoooo!" He yelled and hugged Ayato again which made a surprised yelp come out of the blue haired Male. "You're squishing me!" Ayato yelled which made Kaneki let go and laugh, Ayato kept a serious look before he couldn't anymore and burst into laughter too.

Kaneki then kissed Ayato's cheek and said "will you come home now??" He asked hopefully to which Ayato took a minute before nodding "yeah...I will but him still a little nervous about being in Tokyo still" he mumbled looking down but Kaneki lifted his chin back up and said "I'll be there Ayato...forever..."

Ayato sighed and smiled nodding and they started to walk back to the train station. Hand in hand.

Finally together....

Blood Tears ~ Ayakane StoryWhere stories live. Discover now