75-Picture Perfect

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The nursery was her second favorite room his colors were brown, beige cream, and navy blue lots of giraffes since the colors go so well

The master bedroom beige, gold, black, and yellow

Alexis had never really liked yellow she didn't hate it but didn't love it but more recently Harry started to wear a lot of yellow and the more he wore it the more fond she became of it Harry says it just makes him happy

And all she wanted is a happy man she had no problem at all littering a little yellow here and there especially since her favorite color is black which is kinda the opposite of where Harry is going with the bright colors

She pulled Michael off and wiped his drooly face he wiggled his head to get away he screamed a little and flailed his little fists "you ready for daddy to come home?" Alexis asked excitedly

Michael made 4 months only a few days ago he is doing so well for being pre mature too he's actually a long baby his height is a little above average which Harry couldn't be prouder about

Harry and Angel pulled up Harry texted they were here and are walking in Alexis quickly ran to the sofa and laid Michael down she ducked behind the sofa she heard the door and bit her lip smiling

"See I told you nothing to-" Harry turned and saw the wall of pictures then Michael on the sofa who was leaning up and looking around while on his tummy "Hey buddy!" Harry greeted "where's your mama huh?" He asked chuckling

Alexis popped up "surprise Baby daddy! Finished the living room we are OFFFFFFICALLY allowed to call this home!" She clapped

Harry jumped and smiled "oh... mmm" he looked around he picked up Michael and walked to the picture wall "I love this Baby Girl it's amazing" he praised and turned he rubbed Michael's back bouncing a little out of habit "you did all this?"

She nodded triumphantly "I did! Michael helped mummy remember break times you know how I get when I'm focused on something" she folded her hands in front of her

He raised his eyebrows "yes I do I still can't believe you were up the whole night painting that one picture" he gestured to it on the wall "it's still lovely though" he smiled it was a calm forest scene

"Thank you" she kissed him and spun around "Angel honey! Come give me a hug I missed you!" Alexis held her arms out and Angel ran over Alexis kissed her head "mmmmm!" Alexis hummed squeezing her in a bear hug Angel maybe 17 now but Alexis would never be able to keep from babying her  "so what do you think mama did a good job?"

She nodded "I love it mom!"

Alexis sighed airily "I'm just the best it's what I do" she let Angel go and waved her hand closing her eyes "ugh don't talk to me I'm an artistic genius" Alexis peeked an eye at Harry and winked he rolled his eyes

"Darling of course you are!" He played along She nodded and flipped her hair off her shoulder

"I know I know it must be great being around me all the time" she bit her lip trying to stay serious

"It is I don't know what else I could possible do with my time"

"Totally mom you're just the bestest there ever was" Angel added Harry laughed making Alexis squint

"Stop laughing I'm amazing!" She burst out laughing too

Harry looked down at Michael and held him up "oh mama is so silly isn't she? Isn't she? Mmm yes she is! She's so silly!" Harry baby talked and raised Mike up in the air moving him up and down to give him kisses "say mama, say mama mah-mah-mah-mah"

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