hey friends

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welcome to my imagines book!! like the title, it's for mine and everyone's bae: peter parker

let's be honest he makes all our hearts go WHOOSH

if you have any requests: please message me! that makes it easier for me to manage your request, rather than searching through my notifs to find the comment with it :) 
warning: it does usually take me a bit to write/fulfill requests, as i usually have a few requests already in the works and sometimes it can get difficult to find enough inspiration to write a good story. nevertheless, don't let that deter you from making a request! i love getting them and knowing that you guys like my writing!

quick important note: as all work of any sort goes, PLEASE DO NOT STEAL MY WORKS! these imagines are all written by me. the prompts are either something i saw online (given for the purpose of being used freely), requested, or something i came up with! and PLEASE: if you wish to write an imagine that is inspired by one of mine, let me know and tag me, as i'd appreciate getting a bit of credit for my work/inspiration, and i'd love to read yours!!

disclaimer:: i do try to reply to as many comments as possible, but as this book gains more and more attention (which i am so incredibly thankful for you guys are amazing), it's getting really hard for me to reply to everything. so, if you comment, don't feel discouraged if i don't reply!! i love reading y'all's comments and they make me happy and believe it or not i do read all of them <3

okay i can't think of anything else to say so let's do this shall we !!

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