Chapter 1

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Kayla's P.O.V

I wake up with a pounding headache as my alarm goes off. Thank God, its the last day before my 2 week long Christmas break. I struggle to get out of bed as i think about if my education is really worth it. I've been sitting here for 5 minutes just staring at my closet not wanting to get dressed, i just wanted to lay back down and sleep. Anything else could be better than going to my dumbass school. Edgeveiw is the dumbest school in the Albany school system. No one enjoys my presence there even if they say they do, no one talks to me outside of school unless its to ask for homework answers. I finally get up as its 6:15 and i have 20 minutes to brush my teeth, get dressed and leave. I go to my closet and choose my typical black jeans and grey hoodie. I never really change up my look much because who am i trying to impress? No one, that's who. I havent had an actual relationship in almost a year. My last boyfriend got with me by guilt tripping me, he faked a suicide on valentines night and the day after i fell for it and fell for him. We dated for a solid 2 or so months before he cheated on me, and guess what? I was too blind to see his mistakes and stayed with him for 3 more months. My friend Lilly was so pissed at me and warned me but i refused to listen, i want to slap my past self it infuriates me. Ever since then my trust has been so fucked. As im finishing getting ready my mom calls out to me,
I run out of my door and to the bus stop so i dont miss it. Just to my luck as i reached the bus stop it was pulling away. Great. I live a mile away from the school and im more than likely going to be late, so i start speed walking down the street and on my way to school. As i reach the school doors they are locked, i guess im early because its dark inside and no one is in the office. I sit down on the bench and wait for more people to show up so im not as anxious about being hear so early.


I am walking on my way to my first class as i realize i forgot my ID lanyard at home, which also has my house keys on it. Great, can my day get any worse? I think to myself, just as i am i run into someone and drop my 15 pound bag on their feet.

"OH MY GOD Im so sorry are you okay?" i pick my bag up and look up to see my friend dying laughing. How fuckin hilarious.

"Oh my god! You should've seen the look on your face!" she taunts in front of me

"Ok, Shut up before the bag goes to your face instead." and she shuts up. That's a good lesson, "Threaten people to get your way"

I walk into my biology class and since it is wednesday classes are especially long. Great. My day goes on like it usually does, being tired all day then passing out during history class because they're playing a boring historical president video. It is the middle of december i know but i choose to walk home. I have for the past few weeks because the people on my bus are nothing but a bunch of annoying rude brats. Its not bad weather outside apparently, its about 55 degrees and I'm wearing my hoodie and jeans so i feel fine. My 20 minute walk home isn't bad, just a tad bit boring because my friend that typically walks with me isnt here today, so im forced to have my own thoughts take over my mind on my walk home. When i get home im surprised to see my moms car in the driveway, meaning she'll be able to let me in because i left my key inside. I walk up to her bedroom window and knock on it saying its me and to unlock the door. She was sleeping but gets up and angrily opens the door telling me how bad a day she had and how she just wanted to stay off her feet. I decide to not ask her why shes home because im guessing its something to do with her job. I walk into my room and dont do my mass ammounts of homework as usual. Instead i get on my ipad i received from the school i used in the previous school year. Its the oldest ipad known with the most out of date iOS so not much can be downloaded. I have some games along with instagram and an app called holla. If you dont know what the app is; it is an app that is like a minor's tinder. You can swipe left or right on people and you can be connected with random people to videocall. As i get on i get a message saying im going to be connected with a boy who has his username as;
"💔Jaylen💔"  If only i knew what this name had instore for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2019 ⏰

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