Chapter 1

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It was seven o'clock in the morning and Sunny Simpson was picking me Shannon and Beth up to go to the strathern pony club rally.

Sunny was picking us up at half seven from dalreck. When Lauren came down she was asking her mum to give her a lift. Lauren's mum is not interested is horse so she doesn't understand what Lauren sees in horses and mucking out poo out of loose boxes but Lauren doe sent mind.

Lauren got on her bike and quickly rode her bike to dalreck . Beth and Shannon was already grooming star and laddy. roo was waiting at the gate ready to come in.

A couple of minutes sunny arrived at dalreck with the horse lorry which was huge. Then we load up the horse and off we went to he games field in methan.

When we got there Christy standing with her parents talking to Lucy Lockwood who wants to buy roo. I keep on telling her that roo is not for sale.

Lucy didn't like Sunny's methods but sunny is the head instructor of strathern pony club.!

When it was at night and the rally was over Lauren was riding Toby in the arena doing dressage as her foal barbie got sent to this Spanish dressage school and Lauren wants to get her back but there was a strange lady watching Lauren riding Toby while doing pashas and flying changes. then lured stopped and the strange lad said " don't stop on my account" when she came into the arena and as soon she got close Lauren realised that it was Lucy but Lauren didn't know what she was here for because she wasn't riding roo which was awkward because she only watches Lauren if he asks if she can buy roo.

When Lucy was up close she asked Lauren " I was wondering if you can work at my stables this summer as a jonuier helper so what do you say and I need a answer now or tomorrow so....." Lauren said " well" Lucy says "well if you would like to tell me if you don't want to I've got plenty of other people I would ask" Lauren says"yes I would like to " Lucy says you stared on Monday at the start of summer okay bye.

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