Chapter 32: Truth

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A week had passd and news of Tsuyu's game and the death of Captain Celebrity had spread all across the whole country spreading fear into the hearts of many, UA was blamed for not taking proper precautions to protect there students knowing that the jigsaw killers had been targeting them, and as a result Nezu was forced to resign as principal of the school and now the Pro Hero Association had to choose a new person to take on the role. While that was going on Endevour was announced as the new number one hero but it was obvious since All Might was forced into retirement due to injury, attendence at UA was beginning to drop with students leaving due to worry of being targeted and tortured by Jigsaw or The League of Villains. Since the baby shower Mei had been acting weird, she blocked herself away from her friends and spent most of her time working on her babies, she was even ignoring texts from Izuku who was starting to become extremely worried about her. She was currently working on epuipment that would make a hero silent when moving, after getting permission from powerloader she asked herself what's the noisiest place in the school? The answer, the air vents that run through the school but testing het new baby wasn't the only thing she had in mind. "Boy it's hot in here." She said making her way through the maze of vents, she checked the school's blue prints she had aquired through powerloader frequently to make sure she was going the right way and not just aimlessly crawling around and gets lost, "All most there just need to turn this next right." She made it to her main target which was a vent right above the teacher's lounge and just as she hoped All Might was in there, She started setting up some survalence equipment when *knock knock knock.*

Someone knocked on the door, "Come in." All Might said sipping on some tea, the door opened and Katsuki walked in, "Is there something you need Bakugo?" The explosive boy locked the door behind him and sat on the couch, "What's with the secrecy my boy?" All Might asked, "I needed to know we were alone before i told you this." "Tell me what exactly?" Bakugo leaned in close and said, "I think i know the identity of the 3rd Jigsaw killer." This caught both Mei and All Might's attention, "Is that so, then tell me who is it?" The hero asked drinking some more tea "I know this is gonna be hard to believe but his name Izuku Midoriya a childhood friend of mine." The hero choked on his coffee spitting out all over the table, "You allright All Might?" "Yes i'm okay." Bakugo handed him some napkins and he quickly cleaned up his mess before continueing, "Now then tell me why you think this boy is the Jigsaw we've been looking for?" Bakugo stared down at the floor remembering the conversation he had with the Jigsaw killer, "While i was captured by the league of villains the Jigsaw killers came into the bar, he told me i was going to pay for hurting someone and i didn't know who he was talking about until he said he would refresh my memory telling me something only he would know." "What was it?" Bakugo looked back at the door to make sure they were alone before answering, "I use to bully him back when i was in middle school, one day after class i told him some advice." He took a deep breath before qouting himself, "If you want a quirk so bad than maybe you should jump off the roof and hope you get one in the next life."

All Might was horrified at what the boy had told him and wanted scold him for being so evil but he too knew something Bakugo didn't, As Bakugo cried his eyes out the hero put his hand on his shoulder "It's not him." Bakugo looked up, "Wha, how do you know it's not him?" "Well for starters just because you hate somebody means everyone hates that person, second your not the only person who hangs out after school someone could have heard you say that to him. Another big thing is that through police investigation that whoever this third Jigsaw killer is is the original Jigsaw, your friend couldn't be him because the games were going on way before he went missing so it can't be him, Iida can't be it because we believe he didn't join until after his brother got hurt fighting Stain and Toga didn't join until sometime after your capture meaning anyone right now could be the Jigsaw killer." Mei sighed in relief that they weren't trying to investigate Izuku, "However." The relief was now gone, "When i met the boy he was badly scarred like he had been in some fights." Bakugo was confused at All Might's statement, "You met Izuku?" "Yes, he's alive and from what Inko tells me he has a family now and a job." Bakugo lept out of his seat and got right into All Might's face, "Wait you know Aunt Inko and what do mean he has a family?" "That's not important at the moment, see there is one thing that connects your friend to being Jigsaw and that is that he's missing his right pinkie finger, near where we found the hero killer Stains body we found a pinkie finger but when we tested it there was no match we could find so it is a possibility that he's another member and there's actually four Jigsaws."

"That dosen't explain how you know Inko?" All Might blushed and adjusted his collar, "Well i've been dating her." Bakugo's jaw dropped, "WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?" "well it was after Midoriya went missing i felt a little guilty and decided to help search for him." "Guilty, why would you feel guilty you didn't do nothing wrong." He was wrong and All Might hated the truth but he knew he had to tell him, "I met the boy a few months before he disappeared, he asked me if he could be a hero and said he couldn't, not without a quirk. If i knew what he was going to do" There was a brief silence between two as they thought about what they have done to the poor boy realizing they were the main reason he tried to kill himself, the bell went off signaling the end of break and classing were starting back up, "You should get back to class Bakugo but before you go i want to say that i don't think your friend is Jigsaw, as for what you told me i should have you kicked out of school but against my better judgement i wont tell anyone." Bakugo thanked All Might and left the room leaving the hero alone in that room. Mei was furious at what she had just witnessed, the boy confessed to convicing another student to kill himself and he just let him walk away, "What the fuck." She covered her mouth realizing she said that out loud, "Who's there." Mei grabbed her equipment and crawled as fast as she could through the vents hoping she was going in the right direction, eventually she made it out and luckly for her it was right where she entered, after closing up the vent Mei returned to powerloader's class and asked if she could return to her dorm room because she was feeling ill and her teacher granted it. On her way back to her dorm she started checking her recent texts noticing Izuku was still trying to contact her,

Izuku: Mei please answer me, it's been a whole week.

Mei: Hey, i'm sorry for not texting you i've been really busy.

Izuku: It's okay just next time give me a heads up before you focus all your time on a baby, Now how's the baby?

Mei:Fine but listen i'm going to ask you to do something and it's really important you do it okay.

Izuku: I'll do anything for you.

Mei: Come visit me at UA.

Izuku: ...what.

Mei: Look Bakugo knows your not dead and suspects you as the Jigsaw killer and so does All Might a little bit, you come here for a visit and throws everyone off.

Izuku: But what if i meet everyone What if they still suspect me?

Mei: I have a plan for that too.

Mei smiled and looked up at the sky thinking about Yui, Bakugo and Ochako the three still left on the list, she eventually arrived at her Dorm and went straight to her room where she locked herself in and sat down at her workbench pulling out some scratch paper, "I promise you three there will be blood." She said as she began writing down her plans.

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