Dangerously in love

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Here another chapter for you guys, who are liking and asking for more! Don't forget to leave some reviews .. <3


Time was flying so fast, for Claire, it was a real luxury having Leon for more than 2 or 3 days by her side, but her determination to enjoy every single second she could spend with him was stronger than all her insecurities and fears.

Fears... of loosing Leon, she just imagined loosing her longtime partner, friend, confidant and now, more or less, her lover, nothing was really clear between them, but they knew they couldn't be only friends anymore, they would try and see what all this would lead to. A few days later, under the comfy sheets, while she was cuddling to his side, while he caressed her arm, after having their passionate goodnight sex, he decided to finally break the comfortable silence, to sadly destroy their beautiful moment, to give her the bad news of his soon departure.

- "Claire?"- he called her name in the most soothing way his deep, manly and calm voice was capable of, her eyes were shot, she was really enjoying the moment, alone the sound of his voice coming so sexily through his throat made her smile, she didn't even bother to open her eyes.

-"hmm?"- was everything she hummed

-" I got a call.."- he said, kind of expecting her to react, what she also did -" It must be important, were you trying to sooth me before telling me, with all that passionate love making an hour ago?" she asked, chuckling slightly.

-" No, there is something very small I have to do in D.C" - he told her, giving her his most seductive smile, -" and I want you to come with me"-

She couldn't hide her surprised and happy face, but how was she supposed to skip work? -" Leon I really would love to, but I have work to attend too"-

- "I know"- he told her, turning his face to hers , taking her chin between his slender fingers, smiling at her before he crushed his lips against hers, again taking the word after breaking the kiss, just a few inches away from her beautiful & delicate face - " I wouldn't be that inconsiderate, would I? I think a good friend owns me a favor after bringing his daughter back to him in one piece"-

-" Ohhh, I'm sorry I just forgot who I am sleeping with! I think Mr. Kennedy can do even more than that, well I'll leave my fate in your hands"- she stated, eagerly searching for his sweet lips, as both of them smiled into the kiss, very satisfied with the outcoming of the events. Of course she would have to make up a story for her brother.. and well someday, she would have to confront him anyways, but not now, for now she would enjoy the next round of love-making Leon was about to start.

D.C went very well for both of them, almost just like another vacation, the little bit of work Leon had to do was very well recompensed when he came back to his apartment and so time went by, they would see each other at least once a month, when Leon came back to her and he really tried, he really tried to stay as long as he could, he had come so far to even decline some little missions, that's when he learned what it meant to delegate, of course there were some he got assigned to, with no possibility of delegation, that's when he had to stay the longest almost a whole month and sometimes even longer, and when he came back he was granted a longer amount of free time, it was very rare when he had to leave for another mission short after coming back from one.

Leon and Claire were living their lives as they had never done before, Leon was slowly learning what it was to have a real relationship, not chasing a woman for years with the uncertainty of reciprocated love.

I hope we can meet again (Leon Kennedy x Claire)Where stories live. Discover now