Summer Memories

45 3 13

Written for: razztaztic

Written By: M. B. Feeney

Summary/Prompt used:
Gareth Black returns to the summer fayre he used to visit every year with his father. Memories and secrets unfold as he gets stuck on the Ferris wheel all alone.

If you'd like to read more stories from the exchange, check out the hashtag #sexstoryexchange4

Thank to @ClareBentley9 for the quick pre read. You're a star hun  x


Summer Memories:

The lights of the summer fayre always attracted Gareth, had done ever since he was a kid. His dad had always brought him to play the games so he could try and win a goldfish – which he never did, and to ride the Ferris Wheel. Every year from when he was seven, until just last year. At the age of seventeen, Gareth Black missed going to the summer fayre for the first time while he sat by his dad's hospital bed, saying goodbye. Now, a year later the fayre was back, and his mum was insistent he go back, continue on with the tradition his dad has started.

He didn't expect it to be as hard as it was to take that first step into the fayre, but his best friend Dotty was there with him, had been for their entire lives. For as long as Gareth could remember, Kevin Dots went by the name Dotty and couldn't understand why he'd rather be known by an old lady's name rather than his actual one.

"Come on mate, it's going to be fine." Dotty shoved his hands in the pockets of his jeans and waited for Gareth to start moving again.

"I just need a minute." Taking a few deep breaths, Gareth looked around at the crowds and the flashing lights trying to remember the good times he and his dad had. Losing him was still so raw and fresh, all he could picture in his mind was his dad, frail and helpless in his hospital bed. It wasn't how he wanted to remember his firefighter dad, who had been big built and larger than life, but it was taking him time to only remember the good times.

Eventually he felt able to move further into the fayre and began to walk, slowly, towards the games.

"Mate, look. It's Holly and her sister." Dotty had been crushing on Holly Jones ever since he'd started to notice girls. It was funny watching him watching her from a distance.

"Yeah, and there's Simon." Simon Court was Holly's boyfriend of two years who hated Dotty, had done since they were eight, and Dotty had tackled him in a game of football and almost broke Simon's leg.

"Dick." Dotty muttered under his breath as they walked around trying to decide what games to play.

:: ::

For over an hour, Gareth and Dotty wandered around playing games, and winning crappy prizes that they handed off to the little kids who were running around with their parents. The air was thick with the smell of hot dogs, burgers, and popcorn as they decided to make their way to have a go on some of the rides.

"Bumper cars first mate?" Gareth asked Dotty, who was looking around – no doubt trying to see where Holly and her sister had gone.

"Nah, I wanna go in the house of mirrors first. It's always a great laugh."

Gareth groaned. He hated the house of mirrors, but followed his best friend anyway. He didn't want to be left alone, waiting outside and watching everyone else having fun. It wasn't that he wasn't enjoying himself, he was, it just wasn't the same without his dad.

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