"Okay.. because I think I'm gonna need you today. I don't know what all is going to be said though.." Amelia says in a small voice as they pull up to the courthouse.

Alex parks the truck, gets out, then helps Amelia out, taking her hand and lacing their fingers together. They walk up to the courthouse and slip inside, finding seats near the back. They wait for about twenty minutes, then the trial finally begins. Amelia takes a deep breath and closes her eyes as they sit back down once the judge comes in.

"Let's start with opening statements. Prosecution, you go first." Judge Wilson says, adjusting his glasses.  The prosecutor stands, and begins her opening statement.

"We are here today, because something unimaginable has happened to a young girl for several of her teen years. She was abused emotionally, physically, and sexually by someone she thought she could trust. At just the young age of twelve, her brothers best friend took advantage of his position and put this young girl through hell. She was scared to say anything, for fear of what else he would do to her. Dylan King is a monster, who thinks he can get away with sexual abuse just because a young girl was afraid to report him. We will provide several documents, proving the physical and sexual abuse." The prosecutor finishes her opening statement and takes a seat. Dylan's attorney stands, buttoning his suit jacket and starts his opening statement.

"Lies. Lies of a young teenage girl are what bring us here today. Amelia Allen lied to the police, lied to medical personnel, lied to child services, and has even lied to the prosecuting attorney. Everything she says happened? It never happened. She consented to all sexual encounters with my client, Dylan King. She tried to claim rape and abuse when she found out she was pregnant with Dylan's child. She was even deemed mentally unstable at the time of their child's birth, causing him to be placed with her biological parents while she was removed from the home. All medical documents are falsified and completely untrue. Dylan never broke her wrist, he never fractured her ribs, he never sexually abused or assaulted her. She wanted an easy way to get out of everything she consented to, and when she found an opening, she took it. She has ruined this young mans life enough already, and he should not be sentenced to prison." His attorney finishes and sits back down. Amelia grips Alex's hand tightly, trying to keep her breathing even. Alex squeezes her hand gently, and she loosens her grip slightly as she rests her head on his shoulder.

"Defense, your first witness please." Judge Wilson says.

"Your Honor, our first witness is Benjamin Allen." The defense attorney says. Ben stands up and takes the stand. They swear him in and the lawyer starts asking questions.

"Please state your name." He asks.

"Benjamin Allen." Ben replies.

"Relation to the defense?" He asks.

"He was my best friend." Ben remarks.

"Relation to the alleged victim?" He asks.

"She is my baby sister." Ben answers.

"Did you know that Dylan and your sister were dating?" He asks.

"I did not." Ben states.

"Do you believe that he hurt her in any way?" He asks.

"Yes." Ben replies.

"Please elaborate." He states.

"I believe he physically, mentally, emotionally, and sexually abused my baby sister. She was fourteen when they first had consensual sex, but every time after that she never consented. He raped her, for two years." Ben answers.

"Why do you believe this?" He asks.

"Because my baby sister never lied to me." Ben remarks.

"No further questions." He says and sits down. The prosecutor stands.

"Ben, you state that you believe he abused her all those years. What makes you believe this?" She asks.

"About a month ago, I took Dylan's son for the monthly visitation at the facility he was being held in. Amelia was also there. When we went back to see Dylan, he choked her in front of me and their son." Ben states.

"No further questions, Your Honor." She says, sitting back down. Ben leaves the witness stand and sits back down.

The rest of the day they hear from different medical professionals on the numerous x-rays and doctors notes presented as evidence. After about three hours of testimonies and the lawyers going back and forth, the judge dismisses court for the day. Alex and Amelia go pick up Addie and Jake and go for lunch together. Alex then takes Amelia home and they put Addie and Jake down for a nap and go to her room.

Amelia changes out of her dress and into leggings and a t-shirt and crawls into bed. Alex crawls in beside her and holds her as she cries into his chest after everything that was said in court. Alex comforts her, putting on music and just holds her. Amelia eventually cries herself into sleep, Alex continues holding her and slowly falls asleep himself. 

Life After You (Life Series; Book 1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now