Fall Term

942 37 136

author's note:  this is dedicated to my partner in crime, ThirstyNarries, my occasional writing partner on that account, my guru in all things Narry and patient sounding board when I attempt to bring something to life on my own.  A million thanks will never be enough to express my gratitude for your love and friendship. ❤️

"That's the last box," the mover tells Niall.  "Where d'ya want it?" 


The man returns moments later, pulling papers from his back pocket. "Can I get ya t'sign here and here." The mover points to two signature lines and Niall signs indicating receipt of his belongings.

"Ya got thirty days to file a claim. Contact the number at the bottom if there's a problem.  Good luck man," the mover shakes Niall's hand, collecting his copies and heading to the door.

"Thanks," Niall mumbles, surveying the room.  

If you'd asked him five years ago where he'd be, teaching at a university outside Boston wouldn't have been his answer.  The London School of Economics had been his dream job but his partner's betrayal almost broke him, personally and professionally. Leaving became inevitable when the dream turned to a nightmare filled with gossip and whispers.

His mentor, Dr. Maxwell Burnley, tried to make him see reason, assured him it would eventually go away, but he wasn't swayed.   Went home to Ireland for the summer to figure out the days ahead.  When finally convinced Niall wasn't coming back, Dr. Burnley conceded and emailed a link with a position announcement at an American university searching for an Economics faculty member.  Seems his mentor knew the department chair and had reluctantly written to recommend Niall for the position. 

Finally, fate decided to smile in his direction.  A chance at a clean slate in a new country might be just what he needed and the fact that his cousin, Rory, was close by seemed ideal.

Looking around the room, he sighs.  There aren't many boxes, some clothes and a few personal items.  Three he had shipped to his office and his laptop and other devices came with him on the plane.  As relocation packages go, the university was generous, he just didn't have much to move, not after he left Brendan.

An online search resulted in a list of local apartments and he rented this one while still in Ireland.   It came furnished and was close to work, which was all he'd cared to know.  Floorplans and other amenities weren't important as long as it was clean. 

So after three months of self-doubt, yesterday he left his mum in tears standing near the security gate in the Dublin airport and boarded the Aer Lingus flight to Boston. Rory was waiting in baggage claim when he stepped off the escalator a little over seven hours later.   His cousin was a sight for sore eyes, a port from the storm Niall left behind.  Wrapping arms around his cousin, he held on to him for a long time, emotional and weary from both the flight and the last few months. Yes, they were cousins but Rory had been Niall's best friend since they were babies, the closest thing he had to a brother.  

"Yeh sure you're plannin t'stay?  Doesn't look like you brought much."

"Just clothes.  Figured it'd be easier to buy what I need here." 

Rory didn't push it and Niall was grateful.  He already knew the afternoon Niall walked out it was with just his clothes and some personal belongings.  Everything else remained in the flat he'd shared with Brendan. 

"Yeh should've cleared out the lot," Rory'd told him.

"Don't wanna be reminded every time I sit me arse down," Niall sighed during one of their talks in the days that followed the split. It was bad enough that his clothes made him think of his ex.  He'd washed everything when he realized it all still smelled of Brendan, bringing back memories of every lunch, every movie date or museum they'd visited.  He didn't want to pick up the remote and be reminded of the nights Brendan laid on his lap while they'd watched their favorite shows so he left it all behind.

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