Chapter 21:The Oath and Unpayable Debt

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This chapter is a total flashback of Manderly's loyalty to Stark

*flashback to when the Manderly's arrived in the North*

"Do you swear Wyman Manderly to rule the lands of the White Knife with Justice and Honor? Do you swear upon your New Gods and the Old to be loyal to the Starks of Winterfell and honor your obligations as a vassal to his liege lord?"inquired King Brandon Stark looking down upon the kneeling Manderly lord.

"I swear upon the Seven and the Old Gods that I Wyman of House Manderly will rule the lands granted by House Stark with Justice and Honor.I also swear upon the Old Gods of the North and let the Lords here bear witness to my oath of loyalty and fealty to the Starks of Winterfell."proclaimed Wyman Manderly to all the Lords present.

"So let it be known far and wide that the lands between the Neck and Hornwood Forest shall be ruled by House Manderly.Rise Lord Wyman of White Harbour,Warden of the White Knife,Shield of the Faith,Defender of the Dispossessed,Lord Marshal of the Mander and Knight of the Order of The Green Hand and let it be known that this titles will be passed down to your Heirs or Heiress till the end of time.In order to protect House Manderly from outside and internal threats,I pledge my daughter,Arya Stark's hand in marriage to Lord Wyman."proclaimed King Brandon Stark to all the Lords present.

"Stark,Stark,Stark,Stark"chanted the newly made Lord Manderly and the chant was carried on by the other lords.


Test of Oaths

Lord Wyman Manderly POV

It has been already 20 years since his oath of allegiance and he has declared that by tradition on every year the Lord Manderly will head to Winterfell with his heirs and swear they're oaths of fealty to the King in The North.

But now,with the passing of King Brandon Stark and the succession of his so called illegitimate royal grandson,King Beron Stark called by the rebels who called him a wilding bastard and product of rape between Bael the Bard and Princess Alys Stark when in fact,they were wedded under a Heart Tree during the night.

House Bolton was once more rebelling,a dynastic war to claim Winterfell with the pretext that he,Ramsay Bolton had more Stark blood from his royal mother sister to King Brandon Stark.

My oaths were tested as King Beron summoned all his loyal banners Mormont,Umber,Hornwood,Reed,First Flints with the Mountain Clans,his retainer vassals and myself.While Bolton called upon Ryswell,Greystarks of Wolf's Den,Flints of Flints Finger,Widows Watch and even House Manderly promising me that my heir,his daughter Serena Bolton hand and position as Hand of the King.

Wyman was divided as his heirs had Stark blood,his beloved wife Arya was a Stark.Domestically,White Harbour has grown well and his coffers has swelled.His family has grown too,three sons and two daughters.His sons,William aged 18,Wendell aged 16 and Brandon aged 13 were growing up strong,smart and loyal,while his daughters Branda aged 16 and Wylla aged 11 were growing up well.

His decision was clear,he would prove that his loyalty is unbending to House Stark,so he called upon his Bannermen and within a fortnight 5,000 men mostly mounted armored Knights of the Merman light horseman,his fleet of 80 war galleys and 20 trade ships ordered to protect White Harbour and pick up troops from the Neck to gather at White Harbour.

Luckily,White Harbour had silver mines to financed his projects such as the walls and towers,the facilities at the Harbour and his household retainers of 500 Knights.If not he would have been defeated already.

2 months later

The war was still a stalemate as King Beron proved his mettle and used mass skirmish tactics to hold the Boltons at bay.While Ramsay Bolton used terror tactics and flayed several northern lords and wore their skins as cloaks.

With Lord Roland Reed whom agreed to merge his forces with his own amounting to 8,000 men marched to Winterfell.As expected when they arrived,King Beron thanked them for their support and they were told that Bolton's Ryswell and Flint allies were crushed by Brandon Stark,the Heir of Winterfell who proved a good heir to the North.

So after weeks of planning,Bolton made his first move my rallying what man he had to march,amounting to 30,000 men and King Beron moved too with his own force of 25,000 men.Even though outnumbered,Beron was going to prove his wildling cunningness and ambush Bolton by luring him in the Wolf's Wood.

Bolton was a fool for he fell for the trick and personally led his entire cavalrymen into the forest only to be ambushed by the Mountain Clans of the First Flints and surrounded by Glover Halbediers.Bolton was killed by Wyman himself and his heir,Domeric the Quiet was captured and made to watch as his Father's forces were massacred by the Stark flanking forces.

After that battle,House Bolton was pardoned but forever distrusted by Winterfell,Ryswell and the Flints of Flints Finger and Widows Watch were pardoned but the Greystarks who dared to siege White Harbour were not forgiven as they were exterminated root and stem.

The execution reminded the Northern Lords and the other Houses great or small Northern Justice and what happens if you cross a Stark..

Wyman was awarded the title of Hand of The King,Roland Reed was awarded with Moat Cailin and title of Gatekeepers of the North and his heir was granted the King's daughter hand in marriage while Prince Brandon Stark the Greatwolf took Wyman's daughter Branda hand in marriage.

House Manderly from then on became truly House Stark's most loyal bannermen.This serves as a reminder to all Manderly Lords of the unpaid debt they owe to Winterfell and the oath they swore in the Wolf's Den to King Brandon Stark.

The End

A/N:this is my take of House Manderly's oath to House Stark.Following this is Wyman Manderly POV

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