Chapter 3:The Pack Survives

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Ever since her landing,the long forgotten dreams started again. Dreams of running, of flying across the ground with a multitude of brothers and sisters behind her, because there was somewhere she needed to be, someone she had to find. When she woke up, the dreams were confused and muddled. But she found them oddly comforting.

When she crossed into the Riverlands with her host,she understood why.

It happened one day as she stole silently over marshy ground. The snow was thick on the ground, now, but it was easy to walk on top of it, now that she knew how, and it was silent but for the quiet whisper of the flakes as they fell.As they made camp,she went into the forest.

As she was deep in the forest a soft sound was heard,somewhere to her right, and she turned, immediately alert, drawing the slender blade at her waist that she refused to surrender. 'Stick it with the pointy end', she thought, abruptly, and almost snorted.

Then something emerged from the snows, and she fell still, staring. A wolf, the size of a small pony, breath steaming from her open jaws, grey coat rimed with snow. Her ears were pricked forward, and a moment later it occurred to her to wonder how she knew this particular wolf was a she, and why she wasn't afraid.

Arya Stark, she thought, in a flash, Arya Stark of Winterfell. And breathed before she could help herself, "Nymeria?"

Her sister, great and powerful, forged through the snow and touched her nose to her - to Arya's - leg, and Arya sank into the snow, her breath hitching. And understood the dreams.

"You came to find me," she said, softly, and then another sound caught her attention and she started.

Standing loosely behind Nymeria, wary, hackles up and nervous but inclined to trust their great leader, nearly 500 other wolves, yellow eyes gleaming.

Arya's breath caught in her throat, and she remembered. "When the cold winds blow," she whispered, shivering, but Nymeria wrapped her furry body around her prodigal sister - "The lone wolf dies, but the pack survives."

The pack survives.

This time, Arya could almost hear Nymeria's voice. 'We run together,for we are Winter and Death'.She straightened, and nodded, once, and took a deep breath. "We have work to do," she said, softly. Vengeance, she imagined Nymeria agreed.

As she walked back to camp,all her men look upon her as not only a leader but a Queen.Later,during a war council with Gendry,Edric Dayne,Lanna and the other Brotherhood leaders.They were discussing where to go,as they were fighting about their objective an image was fixed upon Arya's and Nymeria's mind...the Twin Towers of House Frey.

She raised her hand in silence and all went quiet,"Why do we need to be so loud for just our next location?"she said."My Queen,our force is now boosted with the wolfs but we are not strong to be revealed yet."Lem spoke forth for the Brotherhood.

"The Twins."she said loud enough."is our objective now.It is the bottleneck between South and North,strong and easily defendable.Also,where my brother and REAL mother fell.May the Gods give them peace.Arya was now unleashing her fangs.No one could give any better suggestions.


3 days later,her army was armed and ready.Eastern infantry and skirmishers lead the front,Vale and Riverland man at-arms,knights of the Vale on her flanks and her reserve line.The Braavosi two-handed guard,Faceless Man and Nymeria's pack withe her.As they marched,the Winds of Winter blew as Death was marching.

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