"Eventually, I will tell you everything, I promise." Amelia whispers, tracing his tattoos. Alex smiles, closing her eyes at her touch.

"Okay, baby. You tell me when you're ready." Alex says quietly. Amelia smiles and continues tracing his tattoos.

"So, what are we gonna do Friday night?" She asks quietly, looking up at him.

"Well, we could go see a movie then get dinner afterwards, if you want. Or we could do dinner and a movie at my place. Its really up to you, baby." Alex says with a smile, looking down at her.

"Well, we could do another cooking lesson.. at your place.. just the two of us. I'll wear one of your shirts and you could just wear sweatpants.. just a very casual date night." Amelia says with a smile.

"I think we can manage that." Alex says, smiling. "We should get some sleep, baby." Amelia nods as a yawn escapes. She giggles and gets up, going over to her dresser and puts on a tank top and shorts and climbs back into bed. Alex gets up, taking off his jeans and puts on pajama bottoms and lays back down beside her, pulling her close to him. She turns on her music on a low volume and cuddles up beside him, falling asleep almost instantly. Alex lays there for a few minutes, thinking about what meal he can teach her to cook before he finally drifts off to sleep.


Amelia stirs in her sleep, the sun peeking in through her bedroom curtains. She rolls over , pressing her face against Alex's chest. He's laying on his side, both arms wrapped around her. She smiles to herself, keeping her eyes closed. Alex stirs slightly, rolling onto his back, bringing Amelia with him. She lays her head on his chest, keeping her eyes closed. She kisses his chest softly and slowly drifts back to sleep.

About an hour later, Alex wakes up, Amelia still laying on his chest. He smiles to himself and kisses the top of her head. Amelia stirs, her eyes fluttering open slowly. She raises her head, resting her chin on his chest and gives him a sleepy smile.

"Morning beautiful." Alex says with a smile.

"Morning." Amelia replies, still smiling sleepily. Alex chuckles, moving her hair away from her face.

"You aren't much of a morning person, are you?" Alex asks with a chuckle.

"Not really." Amelia says with a giggle.

"No wonder we get along so well. I've never been a morning person, but being with you makes it so much better." Alex says with a small smile.

"Glad I can help with that." Amelia giggles , laying her head back on his chest.

"I smell food." Alex says, stroking her hair softly.

"Me too, which means either Zach is awake or its one of my parents. And now that food has been mentioned, I'm hungry." Amelia giggles again, sitting up on the bed beside him. "Put on a shirt and we can go find the food."

Alex chuckles, sitting up beside her. He gets out of bed and puts on his shirt from last night. He stretches and Amelia stands, stretching herself. He walks over, resting his hands on her waist and kisses her softly. She kisses back softly, then they walk out to the kitchen, hand in hand. Amelia's parents look up and give them a small smile from the dining room. Zach brings out a plate of food and sets it on the table. Amelia and Alex sit down on the bench. They all start eating, in a eerie silence.

Once everyone is done, Zach clears the plates from the table and Amelia's parents ask to see her and Alex in the living room. Amelia looks at Alex with a frown as they walk into the living room. Amelia sits on the couch, and Alex sits beside her. Her parents sit on the other couch, both with concerned looks on their faces. Amelia takes Alex's hand, getting a sick feeling in her stomach, and laces her fingers with his. Alex squeezes her hand gently, concerned as well.

"Amy, honey, I'm afraid I have some bad news." Sarah says softly, clearly unsure how to word this.

"Mom?' Amelia asks with a worried tone.

"Honey, there's been an issue regarding the trial. They.. they need you to testify in the trial." Sarah says quietly. Amelia's grip on Alex's hand tightens, as all color drains from her face.

"No.. No.. Please no.." Amelia chokes out, tears forming in her eyes. Alex wraps an arm around her, pulling her close.

"I'm so sorry, honey. They said it's the only way to make sure he gets sent away for a long time. They think the officer that took your original statement forced you to say what you said. It's the defense attorney that got it thrown out." Robert explains.

"They really think she lied about everything? Just exactly how messed up is this Dylan guy? Sounds like he just wants a way out of what he did." Alex says through clenched teeth.

Amelia feel the tears start falling down her cheeks and she gets up and goes to her room. Alex stands and follows. Amelia curls up in a ball on her bed, and lets the tears fall. Alex lays on the bed beside her and pulls her to him, stroking her hair and comforting her any way he can. Amelia finally stops crying after about twenty minutes. She sniffles quietly, closing her eyes as a hiccup escapes.

"I.. I'm so sorry.." Amelia whispers hoarsely.

"Hey, don't apologize baby. I'm not upset with you, I'm upset for you. I really, really want to hurt that guy for what he did to you. He put you through something you never should have had to go through and I'm so sorry for that." Alex sighs, kissing the top of her head.

"Why are you just amazing and understanding about all of this? I really don't get it." Amelia whispers.

"It's because I have feelings for you, Amelia. I hate seeing you so upset because of him." Alex whispers, kissing her forehead. Amelia gives him a weak smile and cuddles closer to him. Alex lays there holding her, a million thoughts running through his head, especially concerning the trial.

"Will you be there for the trial?" Amelia asks quietly.

"If you want me there, or need me there, I'll be there baby. Always." Alex replies, kissing the top of her head.

"Thank you.." Amelia says hoarsely. Alex turns on the TV, putting on Amelia's favorite show and holds her closer while they watch the show together. Alex plays with her hair, rubbing her back every so often. Amelia slowly falls back to sleep, hoping when she wakes up that everything was just a dream.

Life After You (Life Series; Book 1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now