Ch. 3

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The rest of John's week turned into a blur as he worked hard with little to no food for most of the week. Besides the times when Mr. Sanders was hounding him throughout the week, it was fairly peaceful. Finally, pay day came up and John happily thought of warm food after his next paycheck. "Well, I've got to pay rent first. Then, and only then I can eat."

With such happy thoughts, the day passed quickly for John. As the day came to an end, he went to the on site office to pick his money up from Mr. Burns. John knocked on the office door before entering and greeted Mr. Burns. Mr. Burns returned the greeting before gesturing for John to sit down for a moment. He then pulled out an envelope and placed it on the table. John looked over it and saw that it most likely contained his pay.

"So, John. Mr. Sanders has been talking to me. Care to guess what it's about?"

John hesitated, "I can't think of anything really. I've been doing my work and staying ahead on it. I haven't caused any trouble for anyone."

Mr. Burns smiled, "Well that's not what Mr. Sanders has told me. He claims that you are sleeping on the job and disturbing other workers."

John sat up straight and looked Mr. Burns in the eyes, "I did try to sleep only on my first day this week. It was during my break but Sanders didn't let me, so I've been working over my lunches. It happened during the break on Monday when Mr. Sanders came up and said not too. Since he said not too I've been working during my breaks instead."

Mr. Burns stared at John without giving any emotion away before he asked, "So you are claiming that you have been hard at work this whole time with little to no breaks? You think you have earned this pay? Mr. Sanders has claimed otherwise. He has been working for me for several years and has built up trust. Meanwhile since the first day you started all I hear is complaints about you from him and several employees."

John stared right back at Mr. Burns, "Ask any of the other workers. They can tell you what you want to know. As for Sanders, he seems to have a grudge against me. It's been this way for the past two years, but I don't know why."

Mr. Burns looked at John and stroked his bearded chin. "Well. I have a proposal for you. Interested?"

John looked at Mr. Burns with some wariness. "What's the proposal?"

Mr. Burns took a second before he began to talk. "I am opening up a new build site soon and I am in need of some foremen who can work with the crew. You would have around twenty guys under you there. Also, I need someone who has a good head on his shoulders and can. . . Well save money on materials and other fees if you know what I mean. We are a big business you know? Got to save and pinch where we can. So? How bout it? Interested?"

John was a bit stunned at the offer and the obvious money scheme that Mr. Burns hinted towards. A bit of anger and some sadness was mixed into his face as he unhesitatingly spoke. "I'm afraid that I will have to decline."

Mr. Burns scowled. "What's wrong?! This is a good deal for you. Just remember who gave you a job while you don't have citizenship. This is a big step up for you. Do you think that there are others who would hire someone like you? A non-citizen? Why would you turn this down?"

John stared into Mr. Burns eyes with a steady gaze. "I believe in doing the right thing. If this is how you want to actually run your business, then count me out. I'll try my luck elsewhere." John then broke eye contact and began to get up.

Mr. Burns stared at John in disbelief. However, a chuckle started. Then from a chuckle a grand laugh soon began to emerge.

John was perplexed but continued to get up readying to leave. Mr. Burns finally let up enough in between laughing to tell John. "Sit down for a bit more before you leave. There's more to talk about. "

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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