—on it sir—

A pair of claw-like hands pop out from the back of my suit. "Yesssss." Rhodey high fives me.

I let the grabbers reach through the force field. They immediately begin to melt.

"Shit-" Rhodey mumbles under his breath.

"Come on...come on......." I focus on getting the stone quickly. I grab ahold of it and pull it out quickly. It becomes lose from the grip and goes into a free fall. "Fuck-"

Rhodey catches it. "Ohhh, kid you..." he laughs, "got lucky."

I laugh awkwardly. "Oops?"

Rhodey sighs and shakes his head.

"Okay, sync up. Let's get out of here."

I nod.



After we drop off Harley and Rhodey, Clint and I begin our way to Vormir to get the Soul Stone.

We take a jump through space and begin to accelerate tremendously.

"We're a long way from Budapest." Clint looks over and smiles.

(a/n we better know what happens in Budapest in the new Black Widow movie or I'll sue.)

"A LONG way." I laugh.

We arrive to Vormir and come face to face with a mountain.

"Well here we go." Clint sighs.

We climb up the mountain. Once we get to the top we sigh from being out of breath.

"One can say I underestimated that."

"Same here Nat, either that, or we're just getting old."

I roll my eyes.

"Welcome." We see a guy in a black cloak and a red skull for a face.

Clint and I automatically draw our weapons towards the...person.

"Natasha, daughter of Ivan. Clint, son of Edith."

"And you are?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Consider me a guide. To you, and all the others who shall seek the Soul Stone."

"Okay, so if you just tell us where it is, we'll be on our way." Clint draws his bow back.

"It's not that easy..." he chuckles.

We let our guard down a bit.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Follow me." He leads us to the end of the cliff. "In order to take the stone, you must lose that of which you love. An everlasting exchange. Soul for a soul."

He walks away, leaving Clint and me alone. "He's gotta be making this shit up..." Clint paces back and forth.

I sit down and prop my elbows on my knees and place my head in my hands. "I don't think he is, Clint."

"Why? Because he knew your Daddy's name?"

"I didn't."

Awkward silence falls.

"Think. Thanos left here without his daughter, right? It can't be a coincidence."

Clint sighs.

"If we don't get that stone, trillions of people stay dead." I get up and walk over to him.

Always ~ Parley/ParknerWhere stories live. Discover now