chapter 1

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In a dark alley there is three people a man who attempted to have his way with a underaged girl. Then there is a vigilante who has captured the man. "So a fucking creep like you thinks he can have his way with girl's people like you deserve to be killed" the vigilante said. The pedophile is scared as this person does not seem like a human but a monster. He then remembers reports of criminals being brutally killed and string up for everyone to see. Before he can say a word the vigilante uses a sword to slice his throat open with blood squirting all over the wall. The girl is horrified at how brutal her savior is but at the same time relieved that she gets justice. The vigilante turns to her and tells her to get out of the area. She listens and runs. Meanwhile in the vigilantes head there is another voice speaking. "Dylan I think you were a bit hasty in delivering justice but this is my opinion as I know you won't listen". The voice then silences as Dylan the vigilante uses amazing parkour skills to climb up the building while not breaking a sweat." Dag I do not need your opinion on my actions unless it is to stop me from harming the innocent" said Dylan as he is still climbing on buildings and running along rooftops. Dag responds by telling him to fuck off and telling him how I should act. Dylan smirks and as he is running his watch is beeping which means the night for hunting is over. "Dylan did you do your work for school or did you forget again??!! Dag responds in frustration. " Damn right I did otherwise people will think I am a troublemaker and that is the last thing I need". He responds to Dags question. Returning home Dylan turns on his mp3 player and connects it to his speaker. "Dag who should we listen to today CCR or Rolling stones we're going old school today" asked Dylan as he is getting ready to go to school. Dag responds to the question by answering CCR which Dylan puts on his Earbuds and walks to school.

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