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Ok so fall break started. YEAH FALL BREAK! X3

Anyway I got bored today so I decided to watch some TV I finished my tv series I was watching (you dot need to know what it is) so I went to the family DVD case and I found this old movie I used to watch CONSTANTLY as a kid. it's called "Speed Racer". ok basically it's a movie about HARDCORE RACING EXPLOSIONS FIGHTING AWESOME CARS HIGH-TECH GEAR AND PHRE AWESOMENESS! XD sorry I got carried away but yeah each car has a name and does REALLY cool things like one of the main characters Speed he has a car calls the "Mach 5" and it can jump use laser saws has a bullet proof window shield and can DRIVE UP MOUNTAINS 0-0 awesome. but anyways it's AMAZING! I think I know why I watched it constantly as a kid.

I know it might be strange for a girl to collect cars and have an obsession with speed. but after I got into Speed Racer I also got into sonic because they both love speed. yeah when I was a kid everyone laughed at me because I was different from every girl in school I only hung out with boys..... :( but I found three girls who have the same thing going so we became friends. (this ways when I was like 6 or 7) and did a lot together so yeah old movie old memories...

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