Round 2 Truth or Dare

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Rosalie's POV

jasper was about to dare me when renesmee woke up thank god I knew jasper was going to give me the worst dare ever  mom ,dad auntie rose ,Alice uncle em, jasper were right here kiddo Emmett said  oh she said what happened to me Bella said sweetie um Tanya bit you and now you're a full vampire where's Jake she said does he hate me no I said he just went with Esme and Carlisle to make sure they don't get attacked. oh she said mom renesmee called yes Bella answered my throat burns okay come on me and your father will take you on your first hunt okay

Renesmee's POV

wow mom dad I'm on my first hunt I said so um what do I do okay mom said first you crouch down so it doesn't see you then when your ready you attack okay sweetie okay mom  as I was about to attack I smelled human blood and ran for it with my parents right behind me renesmee stop my dad yelled I stopped I have to get out of here I screamed we know they said just come   us and I just jumped off the cliff just like you I heard dad say to mom well we have to get back so we. an leave they said when they came down okay I said let's go home when we got there  everyone gave me a hug Jake kissed me and said my wife's a vampire and I'll love her forever  then Carlisle came In okay he said our story for why Ness's eyes are golden is contacts so is ours alright let's head the boat ride wasn't long the plane ride however was long and Jake was the only one who fell asleep when got off the plane we decided to go out by the forest and Jake phased while we all ran home when we got there Jake uphased  and we all slowed down hello children Katie said  I have two questions both for Isabella Bella mom said and Edward OK dad said what are they one is renesmee your daughter and two why are her eyes gold now um yes she is our daughter dad said and she has contacts on OK Katie said but how old did you have Bella young mom said how young Katie said just young that's all you need to know fine she said an walked off muttering you slut to mom and mom must've heard it because uncle jasper was sending calm waves everywhere and uncle Emmett was holding her back .

Bella's POV

I can't believe she said that  around my daughter so I broke free and lunged at her grabbing her and pushing her into the wall while Edward had his hands over renesmees eyes if you ever say that around my daughter again I will personally destroy you OK yes she squeaked and I let her go Emmett was now screaming go Bella while renesmee said yay mom OK OK settle down let's go inside I said Katie came  downstairs hi she said in a rude tone  I could tell rose was going to pop so I  told her to come help me unpack thanks she said vampire hearing no problem I said same volume then I heard my daughter screaming and crying so I ran downstairs  what's going on I said she called renesmee a slut and said nobody wants her as a kid Jake said  that was it for me look Katie I said renesmee is mine and Edwards daughter and if you ever say that to her again I will personally rip your head off then I was a about to lunge at her edward must've anticipated it beacause he grabbed on to my waist and said bella love its not worth it but I wanted to kill her for making my baby girl cry

trouble in paradiseOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora