Star's Past

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'...' Thoughts
"..." Speaking
... Narration

Author-Chan's POV~
It was 200 years in the past, when they found the two newest Crystal Gems. The remaining Crystal Gems warped into the Kindergarten for a check that no more homeworld gems were on Earth. The planet they risked their gems to save. Amethyst was found already by the gems and then the Gems, they heard a small voice crying in the distance.

Star Sapphire's POV~
'Why am I here? Did the war end?  Where is Stary?' I thought as I cried in my small hole, my tears falling onto my pink and white dress.

My dark purple hair covered my eye and it was laying on the floor as it was very, very long. My knees were hugged against my chest. I closed my eyes to try and stop my tears from falling. Voices from outside my hole were heard and I gasped and went to the back, not wanting to be found.

"Do you think there's a gem in here?" And unknown voice asked. (Aka Rose)

"Yeah, I kept hearing her voice the entire time I was here in the Kindergarten but I could never find her," another voice answered. (Aka Amethyst)

"Garnet, what do you think?" The first voice asked again.

I heard a sound and then saw a gem right outside my hole.

"Sapphire! What are you doing?" An unfamiliar voice shouted. (AKA Ruby)

"There's a gem in here and she's another Sapphire. I only want to help her," a calmer voice replied, "Hello there, I'm Sapphire. What's your name?"

"S-star," I answered.

"Don't worry, we aren't going to hurt you, we just want to help. Can you come here?" Sapphire said, reaching out her hand, showing her gem in her palm.

I crawled towards her, my small figure reaching her and then taking her hand. She took me out of the hole and I hid behind her, scared of what would happen next.

"Hello there, I'm Rose," a large and tall woman spoke.

Sapphire pushed me forward, easily since I was half her height.

"She's so small!" A tall woman with peach hair holding another purple gem exclaimed. (AKA Pearl, she's holding Amethyst)

"P-please dont say t-that," I whispered.

My gem was on my right arm which was a purple Sapphire but with a star in the middle.

"Can I call you Star? Since of your Gem?" Rose asked me.

"S-sure..." I replied.

"Ruby, what do you think of Star?" Sapphire asked a red gem.

"I think she's adorable, tiny and adorable!" Ruby answered Sapphire.

"Star, do you want to come with us? I'm sure you dont want to stay here," Rose asked.

"O-okay... I'll go with you..." I replied.

I had nowhere to go anyways. My best friend, my partner for fusion, was corrupted during the diamond attack. I held her gem in a necklace form so she would be safe, but one day I wish to save her from her prison.

I held Sapphire's hand while her other was held by Ruby. We all walked towards a blue platform and stood on it. A rushing bright light formed and then we were in a completely different area. I squeaked out of shock and hid behind Sapphire again.

"Its okay Star. We're just at our base," Sapphire reasured me.

Then, at the door, two purple gems, one with a hexagon in the middle and one with a star in the middle.

The tall women that was holding the purple gem that was moving around a lot gasped and said, "That hasn't happened in a millennia!"

Rose just smiled and said, "Welcome to the Crystal Gems, Star and Amethyst!"

To Be Continued~
Published: June 23rd, 2019
Word Count: 625 Words

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