The days drag on

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  • Dedicated to To all the EDS warriors!

The days just drag on and on and on. If you're like me, you'll know what i'm talking about. Now, I know that everyone has different symptoms, so I dont know if I can speak for everyone on this. For myself, when i'm having a bad pain day (you might as well call it a week or two because they last a long time for me), it just seems to make my day longer and more tiring than it should be. I mean it really shouldn't be that hard for me to get out of my bed to go to the bathroom, but let me tell you, I sound like a 80 year old man getting up in the morning. Keep in mind, i'm only 16, so I guess you could say that it's a sight to see sometimes.

On my bad pain days/weeks, i'm not productive. At all. I've had 2 baskets of laundry sitting in the corner of my room for about a month now, just taking out what I need and leaving the rest in there for when I need it. Or we could also talk about how my room is a complete disaster because not only can I not bend over and pick up the stuff on the floor, I can barely move around to get the stuff off my bed. 

Or we can just talk about how when you're on your bad pain days, the stress it 10 times worse than it usually is. Everyone has different things going on in their life, so when you add up the normal daily stress levels, and then put in the pain level, your stress is going to go through the roof. Sometimes, for myself, I have to stay in my room all day because I will get so mad at a person for just asking me a harmless question. So to avoid any freakouts on an innocent person, I just seclude myself from everyone! Although, I find it relaxing because i'm not around anyone! 

Oh boy, don't even get me started on the days when the weather is absolutely horrid! My body will feel like it went to the war, and I wouldn't have even gotten out of bed yet! The winter months and extremely rainy days are the worst for me though. The cold just hurts my joints, and they decide to make their presence known. All. Day. Long. When it's raining, I will not leave my bed all day. So when you see the forecast for the next day, and it's filled with rain, you better buckle up because you're in for a long day ahead of you. When the days are like that, I just cuddle up in a blanket, warm up my rice bag (or you could use a heating pad), keep the pain meds by you, and just watch movies all day. 

When you have those bad pain days, just drown everything out. Put in your headphones, turn your music on, and just lay there. Hey, if your feeling like you wanna beat the pain that day, turn on some rock music and turn the volume all the way up! I have playlists on my phone for certain moods that i'm in, so then I can just pick the playlist and bam, you've got your ticket to your imaginary paradise for the day. 

Trust me people, if you have EDS, just try your hardest to get through those days. I know they can be excruciatingly painful, just keep your head up and make it to the next day, even if you don't want to. If your friends are frustrated with you for not being able to go shopping that day, or if you have a parent that is giving you a hard time that day, just use all your tools in your tool box and fight the pain like the warrior that you are. Fight it like the autobots fighting the deceptacons for the alspark. Fight it like rocky balboa in his last rounds. What ever you do, just keep fighting, and dont let the pain win. 


Hi guys! Im soooo sorry that I haven't put much up lately! My dads cancer came back, so I've been helping him, whilst doing my school work and going to my doctor appointments. I know these are so short, but just bear with me for right now! I'm trying to get into the writing flow again, and it's taking a bit! I also wanted to ask y'all if you have any suggestions on what I should write in my next part, because I have a bit of a writers block! I was thinking it could be about having friends not understanding your limits or something along the lines of that. Just let me know! Have a wonderful day guys! 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2014 ⏰

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