Mafumafu X reader

Start from the beginning

Y/n: yes.

She said with confidence which just broke me and made me laugh.

Y/n: Shut up! It works ok!?

Trying to hold in my laughter, it started to die down.

Mafu: okay okay

Y/n scrunched up multiple pieces of tissue into a ball. Then, she wrapped the ball in another piece of tissue and gave it a bow tie around its neck. Afterwards, she drew a face on it.

Y/n: Look! It's you!

Laughing, she showed me the facial expression she gave the teruteru boozu (Teh-ru teh-ru b-oh-zu)

Mafu: what!? I don't drool!

I said objectively

Y/n: you do in your sleep...

She said trailing off

Mafu: wait really!?

Y/n: huuuhh? I said nothing!

She said as she was creating a loop so that she can hook it outside on my balcony.

Y/n: Teru teru boozu teru boozu make tomorrow a bright and sunny day!

Mafu: What! There's no way that will work silly!

I grinned at her cuteness and the rest of the night was a happy one.

The next day really didn't rain.

~~~end of flashback~~~

This was.. 2 weeks ago. But now...

I was rushing to the hospital skipping the recording I had scheduled that evening.


I panicked like crazy, asked the front desk where she was, then ran over there. Only to see her peacefully sleeping....

A sigh of relief washed over me then I was greeted by her parents, crying.

Mafu: W-what's wrong? She's only sleeping right..? Right?

Her mother nodded slightly

Y/n mom: a long sleep.. a deep one..

At that moment I knew what she meant. Eyes wide, I walked beside my dear Y/n and fell to my knees, grasping her hand tightly.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I watched her peaceful expression.

It began to rain outside.

Rain..? Rain..

I stood up and quickly ran out of the hospital, trying to run home as the rain got heavier.

As I entered the gloomy house, I walked over to the balcony and saw the teruteru bozu Y/n made. It was slightly wet, and the eyes were smudged due to the rain but I quickly snatched it and stared at it.

It's the one and only memory of Y/n I had left. Sure, there was the tickets to Disney land, videos of her, movies we watched together.. but this.. this was my last and strongest memory of her.

Mafu: I guess...

I say holding the thing in the palm of my hands, crying

Mafu: I guess we'll both wait for the rain to stop.. and hope to see a rainbow after the rain.

That week was the toughest week of my life. I was a lot more busier at work too. Soraru san, being weary about me checked in on me one day. I then spill out all my emotions to him. I cried and cried.. holding the teruteru bozu she made for our date.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2019 ⏰

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