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A/N: Okay, so we're not to the end yet, but I need to start thinking about it soon so I want everyone who is still reading this to go vote RIGHT NOW. GO. DO IT. Okay good you better... I want more than just a few opinions because I really want this story to have the ending you want not whatever I pick. Okay thanks you guys love you!! <3

"Can I leave yet?"

"No, it's your turn! Tony just died."

"Carls I need you on my team! It's sudden death, just beat Mike and we're done."

"Ugh." Jaime and Vic had already died and Tony, who was on my team with Vic was set on winning. Mike was the only one left on that team and he wasn't going down easy. I took the controler and swerved to the side. My player fell into the dark hole surrounding the stage and it left Mike as the last one standing.

"YES!" He screamed and Jaime did the same.

"Carly, you just walked off the edge and died." Vic said. I stared at the screen.

"I wish I could just walk off the edge and die." I muttered. Everyone paused and stared at me. Then Vic put a hand on my shoulder.

"No more thoughts like that, from now on we're all going to be positive and happy." He said, getting up. "Come on, let's make milkshakes and play mini golf!" He held onto my arm and dragged me with him to the kitchen.

"I thought you said we were done!"

"With the game! Not with fun! We'll never be done with fun! Hey that rhymed! WE'LL NEVER BE DOOOONEEE WITH THE FUUUUNNN!!!" He sang. Okay, there's a reason you warm up your voice, Vic.

"Can I be done with life..." I mumbled to myself. No one heard me and I mentally stuck a knife through my head.

"Do you want chocolate or vanilla?" Vic asked me.

"Which is more effective: death by chocolate or death by vanilla?" I asked.

"Strawberry it is!" I sighed and rolled my eyes. I was leaning on the counter with my arms crossed as Vic mixed together whatever we were drinking. Mike came up next to me and threw an arm around me.

"We're going to have so much fun today!" He insisted. I clenched my jaw and knocked away his arm. I didn't want him to touch me, I didn't want him to talk to me. I didn't want any of them to interact with me in any way.

"I know why you're doing this." I said quietly, but not soft enough for anyone to miss it. Vic turned around holding two milkshakes and a big ass grin. How does he smile so much? Doesn't it hurt his face?

"What do you mean, Sweetheart?" He asked me as he gave Tony and Jaime their drinks.

"You're doing this so I don't try to kill myself again." I stated simply. Vic cocked his head slightly and came up to me. Before I realized what he was doing, his arms were wrapped around my shoulders in a tight hug.

"Let's just forget about all that okay? We can start over and--" He started. I shoved him away.

"No, Vic. You can't just forget about it! All you'll ever be doing is trying to distract me long enough before I forget about it. But I'm not going to forget, Vic, it's not some tiny detail of a random event in my life, it is my life! It's my life and I should be able to end it if I want to!" I yelled. I turned and pushed past Jaime and Tony before running up to my room. I slammed the door shut and sat on my bed.

"Carly!" I heard Vic yell after me. He came stumbling through my door and stopped. He looked at me sitting there waiting for him. I didn't want to talk to him. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I didn't look at him, I just stared straight ahead until I felt the bed shift as he sat next to me. His arm looped over my shoulders and he sighed. "I would have tried again..." He said.

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