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Carly's POV

"Carly? Sweetie, wake up." I sighed inwardly and opened my eyes. The CPS agent whose name I hadn't bothered to learn was standing over me. Her fake eyelashes and bleached blond hair was the last thing I wanted wake up to every morning. "Carly, there's someone here whom you need to meet." Oh, goodie. More people. It's too early in the morning to socialize, that's why doors have locks. "Come down and look presentable."

She walked out of my room, her too-high heels clicking with every step, leaving me to groan freely. I rolled my eyes at the thought of moving. I don't care anymore, let's just get this over with. I rolled over and detangled myself from the sheets. I had gotten here the night before and I was already sick of it. The walls were too white and the light was too bright. It was sickening. I pulled on a sweatshirt that was at least two sizes too big, and went downstairs.

"Here she is. Carly, this is Victor Fuentes." The agent lady told me. I turned to the living room and faced a short Mexican man. He looked familiar, but I didn't really know why, or care why, for that matter. The man took a step forward and smiled.

"Hey, Carly." I cocked my head slightly and faced the CPS agent.

"Who is he?" I asked. It probably sounded rude and uncalled for, but he's the reason I'm awake. The lady bent down to my height. I cringed at her too-minty breath which she blew right in my face.

"Carly, he's your father." She said, like she was breaking some unimaginably astounding news to me. I blinked, and this Victor guy cleared his throat. That was obnoxious.

"I, uh, I want to get custody over you, Carly, if that's okay." I blinked again. Was he asking me? Did I have a choice? Oh wow, decisions, decisions...

"Okay...?" I stated. Vic looked confused for a moment.

"So...yeah?" I shrugged.

"Why are you saying it like it's a question? You're going to do whatever you want anyway; I don't care." Vic shifted his weight onto the other foot nervously.

"Um...okay. So do you want to leave now?" I shrugged.

"I got nothing better to do today." Vic cocked his head but smiled and CPS lady clapped excitedly.

"Great! Go pack, do you need help?" I shook my head, wanting to get out of the social situation. I turned and went back upstairs to pack all of the two things I actually still have. I threw all my clothes in my bag and went back downstairs. I heard someone else talking besides Vic and CPS lady. As I walked in there was a taller tattooed man next to Vic.

"Hey where is she?"

"Right here." I said. They turned to me and Vic told the other guy I guess named Mike to take me out to the car. Oh, yay, car rides...

"Let's go Carls!" Mike said and took my bag from me. I followed him outside and he threw my bag in the trunk, but I stayed outside. It was warmer than inside and really sunny. "Hey, you coming?" Mike asked. I looked over to him and he was getting in the car. I had been standing there doing nothing for a few minutes. I walked over to the car and climbed in. "You okay with San Diego?" Mike asked.

"What are my options?"

"Just San Diego."

"Fine." I don't get why people ask me my opinion when I have no other choice, it's like asking a blind person "Hey do you like being blind?" "Well sir, do I get a choice? Because I'd choose otherwise."

Vic came out and started driving to the airport. They asked me about my life and I think I scared them with my hamster story. Of course they'd be freaked out. They don't think death is a normal thing. They think death is a punishment, but it's really a reward for living through hell and back. My hamster is happy now.

"Ever been on a plane before?" Vic asked me as we waited at the terminal.


"Are you scared?" He sounded like he was hoping I would say yes.


" Carls, is there anything you want to know about me? Or Mike?" I shrugged.

"Is there anything I need to know?" Vic thought for a moment.

"Um, we're in a band with two of our friends. They stay with us sometimes, Tony and Jaime."

"What band?"

"Pierce the Veil. Ever listen to us?"

"No, I've heard of you though." I knew people who listened to PTV, though I never found any music particularly amazing.

"Oh, alright..." We sat in silence before Mike spoke.

"Wow. You two are really hitting it off." Vic sighed and I was quiet.

"So what's your number?" Vic asked. I looked up at him.

"What number?"

"Uh, phone number?" He said, like it was obvious. Maybe it was.

"Oh. I don't have a phone." Mike gasped and Vic furrowed his eyebrows.

"Really? Wow, okay, we'll get you a phone then."


"I have to be able to call you. How else am I going to know if you're okay?"

"I'm not just going to be with you all the time?" Vic looked confused and shrugged.

"I mean, I'm not going to like, push you away, but I though you know if you go out with like friends or something..." I turned back and shrugged.

"Oh, I don't have friends." Vic chuckled.

"What? Of course you do. What about school?"

"Never went to school." Vic turned towards me more.

"What? What do you mean you never went to school?" What is this? Twenty questions?

"My parents didn't want me to go so I didn't." Vic put a hand on my shoulder and I turned back to him.

"Carly, what exactly did your parents do to you?" He asked in a soft tone. I shrugged.

"Neglectful behavior." I said simply. I knew that was in the files, why was he asking me? He glanced back at Mike and sighed.

"Okay, I get it, you don't want to talk about it."

"I never said that."

"But Hun'--"


"...Carly, you know I'm going to be here for you, right? You can talk to me about anything. I don't care what it is, I just want to know that you're okay. You'll never have to go through what you did with your adoptive parents again, I'll make sure of that." I just stared at him blankly for a moment.

"Our plane's here." I said. Vic looked confused again.

"What? But they haven't called it ye--"

"Flight 124 to San Diego now boarding." The intercom voice said. I stood up and handed my boarding pass to the guy. I walked down to the plane and took my seat with everyone else. Vic and Mike ran on to catch up to me. Vic sat next to me and turned to face me.

"You're not like other girls, Carly."

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