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" I tell y'all, this party is super dope. I love it. I can not believe that your parents just let you have this huge house to yourself. They even buy you pot! Awesome!" Yelled Zach at the top of his lungs.

I couldn't believe how many people actuall showed. There was 10, including myself.

"Hey Eric!" Erin yelled as he walked through the back sliding glass doors that lead into the swimming pool room, where we all was.

"Hey Erin" I responded with a slight smile, I always thought she was the cutest girl at school.

Long story short, this was our senior year of college, and graduation was just a few hours before we gathered here, where my parents left us with tons of pot and beer, with some bottles of Vodka and Coconut Rum.

Matthew, James, Izabella, Erin, Jerome, David, Savannah, Alisha, Heather, and I all decided to crash and party here tonight, in my parents estate in the hills of Colorado Springs. We were the only house up this far, with at least a 15 mile radius of forest, blocking us from the outside world. My parents took off for Washington and gave us the house for the weekend.

Everyone was in the pool with the beers, keepings them cold and enjoying themselves. Me and Erin sat at the stools of the mini bar, passing a joint back and forth with each other.

"Eric, I have been wondering something since we have been in highschool together." she said gently, blushing slightly.

"What...is.......it" I said smiling, between hits on the joint.

She grabbed the joint, taking one more hit, and putting it out to save for later. She reached down and grabbed my hands in hers.

"You know I have liked you since we were little freshman in highschool, why have you never asked me out? I mean, I know I was always in and out of relationships, but that was because I was jealous that other girls had you instead of me." She spoke very quietly, just loud enough for me to hear. I could see some tears forming in her eyes.

I stand up, pulling her up and into a hard embrace, leaning my head back and planting my lips on hers. Our lips starting moving in motion together, perfectly. Her toung slowly made its way into my mouth. I picked her up, carrying her to my living room, which was a few rooms over. My king size bed was in there. I laid her on the bed, pulling hers and my own clothes off. I kissed her on the lips and slowly to her neck.


She slowly put her clothes back on, I just threw on my Georgia sweats and my black t-shirt which outlined my 8 pack. She came and laid back down, with her head on my chest, rubbing her hands up and down on my abs. Kissing my lips.

"Eric, I love you, I really and truly do and I am extremely glad I got this chance to show you just how much" Erin said, giggling and smiling.

"I never knew you liked me, but I did have an idea that you might have cause everyone said you did. Erin, will you....." My sentence was cut short because of a loud pitched scream. I dashed on the bed, leaving Erin laying down and swinging my door open. I ran through the glass doors and came to a sudden stop when I noticed everyone staring at the huge glass windows on the opposite side of the room. Erin came running in, "What is wrong?" she asked before her jaw dropped.

I stared in disbelief.

"Were coming, you were warned." was written in a dark colored red.

Zach turned to me, "Eric, its the people who killed Michael and Daren after the football game when they didn't stop to pick up the strange guy walking down the road, just like we did"

Everyone turned looking at each other.

What can we do?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2014 ⏰

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