Great now he hates me too.

"If it wasn't for you, we could have made him pay for what he did but instead you decide to trip us all up, ruining the mission. Do you have any idea of how that makes us look?!" Kai shouted at me.

"I didn't think you could be any more useless." Cole added.

"Okay, guys, that's enough." Wu spoke up.

"No, they're right. It is Jay's fault that we failed the mission." Nya joined in. Zane and Lloyd nodded in agreement.

"Useless ninja." Kai yelled in my face.

I got up and ran to my bedroom, what else was I supposed to do? I had to get out of here. They don't need me. I only get in their way...

End of Flashback

And that is what lead me to be running through the cold and wet, in the open, to somewhere I haven't even planned. Fun.

Hopefully the team should be happier. I expected it from the guys but not Nya. I honestly thought that she cared about me. I guess I was wrong. I wanted to leave a letter for her but I didn't have the time to write one. Plus, what would I even say? They all thought I was useless so why not be somewhere useless? By that I mean on the streets. I don't deserve to live in a nice home like that. I don't deserve to have friends or even a family. I don't deserve anything but starvation, dehydration and the ground as my bed.

I brought a portable charger with me. I blocked everyone's numbers so that no one could contact me in and way at all. I can't stand to see them now. I said I was sorry and they continued to mock me. What's the point of being there if no one likes you?

Now I'm where I belong. I found a dark alley between two stores. It would be the perfect place to hide. Nobody would ever expect me to go down there. Although, it's not like anyone would care enough to come and look for me. They probably won't even notice that I'm missing.

That's typical for me. Nobody cares where I am or what I'm doing. Kai only cares if its something to do with his sister. That's the only reason he seems to be around me. It's because he thinks I'll hurt her. I would never hurt Nya. She's too special to me. That's why I had to leave. I couldn't stand the thought of her dating a loser. She deserves better than me. She should have chosen Cole when she had the chance to.

I want to be home. It's scary here. But I can't go back, not now. It's too late to turn back...

I headed further and further down the alley until I reached the end. Great. Nowhere to go now. I'll be found easily down here by some thug who wants to rob me. Too bad, I've got no money. The only valuable thing I have on me is my phone and to be honest, I don't even need that.

I eventually reach the end but notice there is a chance to turn right. I look down the turning to see that it's pitch black. I quickly grab the blue torch I put in my bag and switch it on. The walls were covered in spray paint. Do I risk going down there? I mean, I'm a ninja, right? I can defend myself.


Without thinking it through, I begin to head down the darker alleyway. It doesn't look safe but if it is going to help me get away from everyone then I'll head down there. I have to get as far away as possible.

It was quiet; almost silent in fact. I was used to this kind of stuff in the city but this was probably the quietest place there is around here. There are many parts to the city. The noisy, the noisier and the nosiest. It doesn't make sense, I know, but I can't think of the names right now. I'm too busy doing something with my life. Something I should have done a while ago.

The further I get, the creepier it gets. It begins to smell like... I don't know... I've never smelt this before. It's like a mixture of burning and the bathroom once Kai is finished in there. Yeah, that isn't a great smell. He should have his own private bathroom for stuff like that.

The spray paint on the walls was beginning to die down a bit. I think I was getting towards the end because I see a light. It's not a small light like a torch but more of a lantern size of light. Closer and closer, I begin to realise that I haven't reached the end. Instead I've run into trouble.

It looked like a sort of gang. There were three of them. They wore pure black shoes, shirts and trousers. Not to mention their long beards and leather jackets with a lion print on the back. It looked like a rather angry lion.

Trying to make a little noise as possible, I start heading back the way I came. I'd be screwed if they spotted me.

Without looking where I was going, I accidentally stood on a twig, making the loudest noise possible. I wasn't even facing them and I could already feel their dagger-like eyes on me.

"Where do you think you're going?" One of them asked.

I slowly turned around to see all of them with their arms crossed. I couldn't help but smile awkwardly to show them that I didn't want to cause any trouble.

"You shouldn't be down here." Another said.

"I say we teach this young boy a lesson." The last one smirked as he curled up his left hand into a fist and hit it against his palm in a threatening-to-punch-me way.

Uh oh...

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