Chapter 2 - Daily Dream Goes On

Start from the beginning

“I’m sorry,” I heard a guy apologize. He picked up my bag and gave it to me, looking at me for the first time. It was a guy I’ve never seen before.

“That’s okay,” I smiled, “Are you from around here?”

Things got really weird. His face went pale almost like Brittany’s mom’s did yesterday.

“Uh… other side of town,” he stuttered, “I usually don’t come over here… bye.”

He went running into the other direction, but it was the wrong way. It he was really from the other side of town, he should have gone the other way. Brittany’s hand suddenly waved in front of my face.

“Are you okay?” she asked, “You didn’t get far.”

“Did you see that guy?”

“Yeah. He was in a hurry.”

“We have to follow him,” I said and started running after him. Brittany sprinted after me.

“Why? What’s going on?” she asked as we ran.

“I’ll explain later. Let’s just follow him.”

            We ran a few minutes and out of nowhere a building appeared where the wall was supposed to be. It was a giant golden palace. I have to be hallucinating. The guy ran up the stairs next to the palace and up into a balcony before disappearing.

I stopped running, causing Brittany to run into me as she screamed, “What the hell?!”

“Did… Did you.. Did you see that?” I stuttered as I could feel my face going pale.

“Did he just fly up the wall and disappear?” she asked.

“Don’t you see it?” I turned to her and threw my hand up and pointed at the palace, “How can you not see that giant palace right there?!”

“Palace?” she looked at me confused, “All I see is a wall like usual. The wall ending our world. The boundary. The wall that no one knows what’s on the other side. There’s not a palace there.”

“You really don’t see it do you?” I asked her.

She shook her head, “Explain it to me.”

I shook my head back, “I’m going crazy. That has to be it. The dreams were the start and now I’m hallucinating. Oh my God what’s happening to me?”

“Calm down, I believe you. You’re not going crazy.”

“How can you say that?” I asked her, “I’m seeing a palace that’s not really there!”

“Or I’m not seeing a palace that IS there,” she replied.

“Why do you always believe me?” I asked her.

“Because I’ve known you my entire life Lily, you wouldn’t lie. You have never once been crazy. You agreed with me yesterday when I said that something’s going on here. I think you’re getting to the bottom of the truth.”

“But the truth of what?” I said, “We have no idea what’s going on. Even the most top secret books in the world that are restricted to everyone don’t have any information on what’s happening.”

“What if they don’t know?” she said, “What if you’re figuring out some sort of myth or legend?”

“I don’t know. I just feel like I’m losing it. Why would God or whoever choose me to figure this out anyway? All I want to do is live a normal life. I want to go to school and get a job and get married and have kids then die.”

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