Hello Kamino Pizza Delivery :3

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"Kyaaaaa!" Came the ear rapturing scream of Kyoka as she found Mina hugging onto the villain they had fought at the shopping district, the villain known as Outcast. Leaping up from the bed she found the two jump up from the bed with Izuku in a fighting stance while Mina looked peeked over the edge of the bed with a wild expression.

"What? What's wrong?!" They asked in sync as Kyoka pointed at them two.

"Y-you two were cuddling with each other!" She exclaimed as Mina felt her cheeks warm up while
Izuku full on blushed.

"I-It was her idea!" He exclaimed as the girl opened her mouth to protest against such claims. "You grabbed my wrist last night when I was heading to the couch!" He reminded as the girl quickly closed her mouth.

'Shit.' Was all Mina thought with a blush.

"What the hell is going on?" Kyoka shouted in confusion as the other two sighed. Filling her in on the details she had a dozen emotions planted across her face, fear of the mention of Muscular, as well as disgust, hatred, annoyance, and many other ill feelings to the wicked rapist. She was relieved that Izuku stepped up for them, confused, suspicious of, and grateful for him. She was also worried and scared of what kind of thing she would be doing as an 'assistant' for a villain, but she was quickly reassured just like Mina, they wouldn't be doing much.

XxX After Breakfast XxX

"So you take all these notes simply from observing other people's quirks," Mina exclaimed. "I can't believe it." Mina had looked through one book out of curiosity. The way it so detailed in how the quirks were structured, their weaknesses and how they could be improved. Well, Mina couldn't deny she was impressed.

Currently they were in his studying room helping him move around some notes as his 'assistants'. It had been stated that they may be helping him in the analyzing events also but not much more. So far Outcast seemed to be keeping to his word about what they would be doing for him. Why they were going along with it? It was a much better option than being a pleasure toy, and they decided it would be better to go along with it for now, at least until someone came for them.

"Thanks. The ones from the sports festival are to your right if want to look at them. Notes about your quirk are in the fourth notebook," Izuku offered.

"The rest are filled with notes on all the competitors." Their jaws wide dropped open. They were speechless. Izuku laughed at their reaction, though he really couldn't blame them. There weren't many who were actually capable of that sort of thing.

"Y-y-y-you took notes on every single competitor," Jiro stuttered.

Izuku nodded.

"I had monitor to help me. I'm not that fast," he reasoned. They were still shocked however. "Speaking of the sports festival there's something I'd like to ask you, about one of your classmates actually," Izuku said.

Mina replaced her shocked expression with a confused one. If Outcast had been at the festival shouldn't he know enough about their classmates quirks already.

"Since you've been honest with me I'll be honest with you. I don't know how well I'll be able to answer though," Mina replied.

"I'll pitch in too if I know something too." Jiro added as she tried to look for her quirk in his book, luckily for her he had remade them and put them in alphabetical order.

Izuku nodded in understanding.

"Shoto Todoroki. From what I saw at the festival he can manipulate both fire and ice with each half of his bodies representing those powers. Yet for some reason he doesn't use his left side, the one for fire. In fact from what I could see he seemed disgusted to even possess it. I was just wondering why," Izuku stated.

Izuku: Anti-Hero (Re-upload)Where stories live. Discover now