Chapter 17- Alex

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A/N: I know it's late, but enjoy, I won't be posting next week because of previously mentioned trips

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A/N: I know it's late, but enjoy, I won't be posting next week because of previously mentioned trips. Like I said, enjoy!

I woke up with the soft cushioning of my bed beneath me. I started recalling some of the events of the previous night, the beautiful grove, Adriel's friends, Ace, Lex, and Grace, not to mention the man that was with them. The night was a hazy mess, I couldn't remember anything after meeting Adriel's group. I wanted to ask Raven about what happened, but today was a busy day.

Today mother had a private execution and wanted me to come and actually watch the person get killed. Yeah like that was going to happen. Though I probably would pay more attention than I normally would. What Colton said got to me so I wanted to do better. Heather told me to dress in something that was plain, and specifically not white.

I decided to wear a navy blue high low dress. It was one solid color and was as high as my knee in the front, and in the back it reached the ground. I wore black heels and wore a more natural look for makeup. I finished the outfit with silver of heart earrings. After I got dressed I just sat on my bed, thinking. Thinking about last night, thinking about Colton's brother, thinking about my mother, and surprisingly, thinking about Raven. Eventually though, it was time for the execution.

"Princess Rose," Heather called to me, "It's time to go." I nodded solemnly, stood up and followed her to the throne room for the execution. I entered the room to see my mother, with Raven on her shoulder, and some guards. The execution verdict must already be decided. This person must have no chance at living. That meant that this was going to be a short execution.

I took my seat next to mother's throne. I noticed that Raven didn't even give me a glance when I entered the room. I hurt, but I tried to see where he was coming from, I went behind his and Mother's back and joined the rebellion against Mother. I then asked him to let the people who held a knife against my throat. So I could see why he would be slightly upset. I just thought he would give me a glance.

After Heather left the room Mother told the guards, "Bring in the prisoner!" Two more guards came in with who I assumed to be the prisoner between them. The prisoner was probably 6 '2 with dark brown slightly curly hair. He had a slender and fit body type, his skin was tan. Even though he was on the other side of the throne room I could tell his eyes were bright green. He also was standing tall and looking directly at Mother and me, he even refused to kneel before us.

"My Queen, this is the prisoner that goes by Alex. He is accused of coming through the looking glass. Which goes against the law you made 15 years ago. We also found out that he was commingling with the fugitive Hatta, and he will not tell us how he knows him. He also refuses to tell us any information about himself."

"Well then, have we tried other methods to get information out of him?" Mother asked the guard.

"We have," I had to hold in a gasp, I knew that Mother used torturous methods to get information, yet this man seemed to have no scratches on him, he looked unfazed, the guard continued "However they seem to have no effect on the prisoner, and when we come back the next day he seems as if we just brought him in. There's something about him that isn't quite right."

"You do know I'm actually not a bad guy right? I came through the looking glass before you made that law, you just found me now." Alex stated, I had to admit, he was bold. Though he really hadn't done anything wrong.

"I'm in a generous mood today, if you share the location of your colleague Hatta, I will spare your life." Mother told Alex.

"Well, since I really don't know him, I can't give you his location, so sorry. Wouldn't even if I could."

"Okay, I've had enough. Off with his head!" This execution lasted longer than most, though it was probably only because Alex had talked out of turn. Either way Raven flew off Mother's shoulder, transformed and started walking over to Alex. Mother grabbed my chin in her hand, forcing me to look at the execution. I saw Alex glance at me, he looked to be asking for help, though not in a worried way. He looked like he knew that he wouldn't die. As if he was saying 'Rose you can do it.'

As Raven neared him, I knew I had to do something, this man had done nothing wrong, he didn't deserve to be executed. As Raven raised his ax, I had a rush of adrenaline.

"WAIT!" I yelled, and it took me a second to realize that it worked, Raven was now facing my direction, waiting for me to continue, so I did, "This man has done nothing wrong, since he came to Hearts before the law was put in place he didn't break the law. Unless he's supposed to know the future or something. He also can't be expected to know Hatta, for all we know, Hatta, being mad and all, mistook him for someone else. Or just walked up to him for no reason entirely. You can't just execute him because you think he did something. We have no right."

"Rose," Mother said, using the same sweet poison tone she used earlier, "I've done this countless times, why stick up for people now? Could it be because you don't want to see someone killed?"

"It's not Mother," I struggled to keep venom out of my tone, "I just think I've sat by and done nothing for long enough. Not to mention it's clear this man has done nothing wrong. If you don't believe me, then how about I watch over him, for let's say about two weeks, and if anything bad happens you can execute him, I promise I'll watch, and you can punish me. If not, he gets to live in peace. How does that sound?"

"Fine, but you know what I'll do if your wrong." Mother threatened.

I shuddered remembering last time I was punished, only one small meal per day, having to spend the day with the person I hate most in the world. My Grandmother. Mother's mother was the worst, always talking about what a proper lady should do. Correcting me on everything I do.

"I don't care. I'll take the risk."

"Fine. Guards, make sure Alex has preparations in Rose's room, also make sure there is a guard outside the door at all times. Raven will watch over you too until you fall asleep." The guards bowed and walked out of the room to make preparations. I stood up, walked over to Alex and had him follow me all the way to my room, Raven riding on his shoulder in his raven form once again.

A/N: Hoped you all enjoyed! Shout out to @LunarGirl18 she's be really supportive, so I gave her a character (Alex), and no I won't be adding any other characters suggested by readers, unless I really need one. Hope you enjoyed a longer chapter I know it's late, but I wanted to make it a good one since I won't be posting for a while.

Signing off- PandaPhoenix05

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