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"I wouldn't copy, let alone copy the suicidal maniac's ability," (Y/n) protested. They heaved their stash of food onto Dazai's desk and popped open a bag of dried mangoes. "That's ridiculous. Maybe my body really recoils at the mere existence of him."

"I'm hurt," Dazai whimpered, although (Y/n) knew it was just an act. "You're so mean, (Y/n)-san!"

"Mhm," Ranpo exhaled from the back of the room, ramune bottle smashed to pieces with the simple marble traveling through his clasped hands. "Dazai-san, that reminds me—are they going to board with you?"

"Room and board?" Dazai asked at the same time (Y/n) paled sixty shades further.

"I-I think I'll be fine with anyone," (Y/n) murmured, hoping the statement would deter the bandaged male. "Dazai already has Atsushi and Kyouka, after all..."

"How the heck do you know Kyouka?" Tanizaki scowled from the other side. "Look, chief, I dunno about you, but I don't trust (Y/n) at all. They appear out of nowhere and we readily accept them without any premeditation. We need Prez to actually accept them!"

"If Dazai agreed, then we can accept," Kunikida grumbled. "He can see into the future, basically. My ideals don't concern a (L/n) (Y/n) in them, so it's all good."

Ouch. (Y/n) winced.

Dazai clapped once, breaking the chatter into a dissolved silence. "I think Tanizaki's concerns are entirely valid. Therefore, we should have a transparency policy with you, no?"

"I'd rather have an alternative to that," (Y/n) mumbled. "I like my privacy."

"Even if we spill all our secrets?" Dazai asked, leaning against the desk full of snacks.


"Okay, plan F," Dazai murmured, shocking the other Agency members. "I pair you with Yosano-sensei. She will monitor you."

Yosano peered at (Y/n), the latter waving. "Dazai, I'm glad plan F could concern me. But wouldn't it be easier if (L/n)-san was paired with Ranpo?"

"Trust me," Dazai simpered, jabbing a finger into the back of (Y/n)'s neck. They jumped and let out a squeak. "I know (Y/n)."

"How so?" Ranpo questioned.

"That shall be kept in the dark for now~" the brown haired male cheerily said, doing a mini twirl, beige coat whacking (Y/n)'s shoulder. (Y/n) flinched and gave the man an extremely sour look.

"Well, first off, we need to give you some change of clothes. So while we're shopping, I'll buy clothes for (Y/n). Or—(Y/n) can come with me. How about that?" Yosano asked. Not left to much of an answer, she nodded seriously.

They ended up going shopping.

I'm shopping again? (Y/n) dazedly stared at the racks of clothing in front of them, picking at a pale shirt with wave engravings on the chest area. How did I even end up here?

"Elise, why don't you wear this?" A voice said from the aisle adjacent from them. A hmph met the question, and nothing else occurred.

(Y/n) peeked over the racks to see a blond haired girl spreading a red dress out, furtively scanning the price tags. Next to her was a man with shoulder length hair and a lab coat.


I don't really like the looks of him, (Y/n) thought. They picked out a shirt with a clever hexagon design to let Yosano review it, then quietly slid out of the section.

Yosano was trying out heels. She held up an electric blue pair, studded with gold flecks and adorned with red chrysanthemums. "These look cool?"

"It kinda reminds me of Kyouka," (Y/n) said. "Is this shirt fine?"

"Actually, yes. But we have to pair that with this jacket," Yosano replied. The woman ended up purchasing the heels with a matching dress for Kyouka. As they walked out, they bumped violently against a person that hastily walked into the center.

"Excuse us," (Y/n) grumbled, swiveling around to see the offender. White hair swirled around a gaunt face, and (Y/n) recoiled in surprise. Nathaniel mirrored the reaction exactly, quickly yanking his hood down.

Why is he here..?

The bags were heavy. (Y/n)'s arms wrapped around two, feeling the edge of flats and heels dig into their arms. Slowly they trudged down the road.

In a split second, (Y/n)'s vision turned into a blinding white. The sun flared into their eyes, and when they reoriented themselves, Yosano was gone. They stumbled into a nearby alleyway for support. What the hell was that sun glare?

Their foot met a sticky substance that gave way underneath their feet. (Y/n) flinched at the eerie feeling and lifted their feet to examine the mystery liquid.

It was thick, like starch, but as red as blood.

"You did that on purpose, didn't you?" Fyodor's voice drifted from down the pathway. (Y/n) took unsteady steps forward until they met bloodstains and two dangerous individuals.

Dazai smirked, mouth trailing blood. His hand was pressed against his abdomen, and his eyes were clouding up with pain. "(Y/n) really had a toll done on them. I don't think this is anything compared to what they had experienced."

I don't remember anything about this, though, (Y/n) uneasily thought. I just woke up with these bruises and had a sudden urge to go ask for help from Dazai. Is this a trap?

"Well, see you later, Dazai-san," Fyodor rumbled, walking away and conveniently towards (Y/n). The individual frowned and attempted to swivel the other direction in order to avoid Fyodor.

The Russian man purposefully touched shoulders with (Y/n), taking care to lock eye contact with the person.

"All hell is going to break loose, now," Fyodor said.

And an explosion peaked in the distance.

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