Chapter 5

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Years Later....

I'm not the same person I was all those years ago on Olympus. Gone was the kid forced to follow orders given by the Gods; I wasn't their pawn to be used in war anymore. I hear they're looking for me. Typical really. Whenever someone becomes a threat they often banish them to the outskirts of the universe until they need them again. In my travels I've met other 'heroes' like myself that did everything the Gods asked of them, but in the end they were deemed too powerful and banished. Often these men and women had plots to return to Earth and slay the Gods to gain the power they held. I had to end them before they did something foolish or worse... possibly harm Thalia.

The first person I killed was a man named Themes, a brilliant child of Athena who was accused of mapping weak points on Olympus and selling them to the Titans in the first war. As punishment he would be forced to live at the outskirts of the galaxy for all eternity without ever being able to contact his wife and son unless he was slain. However, he could not kill himself. To say he was mad was an understatement, he wanted blood, and mostly the blood of his own mother. Not that I blame him or anything, his mother is cold-hearted and often forgets her own children, and leaves them to fend for themselves to "test their knowledge". He seemed like a good man, until I brought up my accusations and banishment. I seemed to have re-kindeled an old flame of hatred in his heart.

Themes told me how he really did map all of Olympus' weak spots, but only to help reinforce them in case of an attack or rebellion. As a child of Athena he had a photographic memory and was able to re-construct a perfect replica of the map he drew centuries ago. I had to admit that it was pretty impressive, but if he felt all that anger toward the Gods then he was a threat to me and unfortunately to them. I may hate the Gods with a passion too, but Apollo was genuine, Hestia was like a second mom, Hades had a gruff exterior but he cares, and Artemis.... well she's an enigma I'm not sure about.

He never got to finish his explanation of how he would destroy Olympus as I came up behind him and impaled him through the heart. A quick and nearly painless death for someone who was once a hero. I nearly wept at the sight of his lifeless body, but I knew that if he ever went through with his plans then he would put millions of people at risk in North America alone.

As time went on I met others with the same crazy idea of a revolt on Olympus, but they would also feel the wrath of my twin blades. Some tried to fight, but in the end they would lose. With all the kills I racked up I began to attract the attention of many other bounty hunters forcing me to have to kill them off as well, thus making my bounty increase over time.

500,000 drachmas

800,000 drachmas

1,000,000 drachmas

Up and up the bounty went until I was no longer wanted for the bounty. I became a menace to society and those on my list feared me and wanted me dead. My list was composed of the classic villians like corrupt officials, tyrants, rouge demigods, etc. The list went on and on.

Currently, I'm following a man accused of treason and disloyalty to his kingdom killing thousands of people in the process. His name was Frederickson, wanted throughout his world and kingdom and many other betrayed worlds. Always hiding and looking for the next great opportunity. He couldn't hide from me.

I saw him. A tall, caucasian, blonde-haired, man wearing a trench-coat. Obviously this was the guy. In the middle of a colorful city, such as the one on planet Xeron, you kind of stand out among the crowd if you're the only one not as flamboyant as the rest of the population. I tailed him from the low hanging rooftops waiting for him to get to an area easy enough for me to get to him without drawing too much attention.

As if he sensed me watching him, he took a sharp turn into an alley leading to the back of an old warehouse. He was either going to make a run for it, or this is where he's exchanging information about another unfortunate planet. Before he could even get close to the door four men armed with guns and swords walked out to meet him. With my heightened senses I was able to hear them talk as if they we're whispering in my ear.

"Were you followed?" asked the first armed man.

He grinned then grimaced, "Most definitely, he thought I didn't see him but being a wanted criminal gives you a face easily seen in a crowd of people. Or even on a rooftop."

Shit. If he saw me then that means that at any moment they may turn and fire full auto at my direction. Got to move fast. I quickly jumped down unsheating my swords while landing on the back of armed guard number three instantly breaking his back. I slashed at number one trying to get him but he was just out of my reach. I heard the sound of a gun being cocked back causing me to dance out of the way of a few bullets before hunkering down behind a trashbin. All I could hear was the ping of the bullets hitting the ever weakining trashbin and the screaming of passing pedestrians on the nearby street.

When I heard him start to reload I burst out of my hiding spot slashing the throats of one and two before turning around to find number four no where in sight. He must have fled.

Frederickson was cowering against the wall looking fearfully either at me, or the amount of blood on my body. Either way he looked ready to piss his pants. I hauled him to his feet before roughly smashing my fist into his face to snap him out of his daze.

I yelled in his face, "Where are the plans for planet Luko's military?!"

He wouldn't answer so I roughly slammed the back of his head into the wall.

"I'll ask you one last time, where are the plans?"

Then I heard one of the voices I hoped never to hear again.

"You know... maybe if a woman talks to him he may just give it up willingly."


I froze. Then I looked around and realized I wasn't on planet Xeron anymore. I was on Mt. Olympus surrounded by all my old 'friends' and Gods and Goddeses.

I was home.

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