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Jisung's chest felt tight, "What are you? Who are you?"

"Please," Chan started, getting up and taking out the keys to the handcuffs, "Just listen to us. Please."

The room was silent as Chan moved around Jisung to uncuff him, all the other men staring at his expectantly. He felt under pressure, in a cage, being demanded of what he couldn't give them. Were they serious? Why would he even consider listening to them and their probable lies after he was kidnapped!

But their tones, they eyes screamed desperation.

The sound of his cuffs falling to the floor echoed through the room, and he stood up a little shakily, sweating and shaking uncontrollably. Not of fear, but of confusion and worry.

"Can I-" he barely whispered, "Can I have Minjun, please?"

His own voice was shaky, and it was pathetically submissive in his own ears, but the others must have heard his beating heart, as Changbin slowly walked towards him.

Jisung watched expectantly, reaching out to grab the boy softly and holding him close to his chest. Minjun, filled with so much empathy and care, must have felt Jisung's pain and inner-conflict, as he to whimpered.

Seungmin choked on his breath, bringing his arm to cover his eyes, "Oh god- I can't- I'm going to wait outside." He croakily said, quickly rushing out of the room, disregarding Hyunjin's words of comfort as he did so.

Hyunjin's face fell, as he too turned to run out of the room, but paused to look at Jisung first, an unexplainable mix of emotions thundering on his face.

Pain. Fear. Desperation.

"We're not the bad guys. Please. Jisung, Minho is in danger. We need you. He needs you."

And with that he left, leaving Jisung to barely hold his head up against the waves of uncertainty.

The room was still after Jisung sat down on the bed, Chan, Woojin and Changbin staring at him expectantly, sweat beginning to roll down their faces.

Jisung could tell they were nervous, and it comforted him in a strange way. Afterall it meant they wouldn't, or they couldn't harm him; but they definitely couldn't let him go after he'd seen their faces.

This was definitely some sort of physiological trick going on here, some bullshit stockholm syndrome that's polluting his mind. He doesn't genuinely care about what they have to say,

But he cares so much about Minho, enough to question what he should accept.

So he thought, what would Minho do in this situation?

For some reason, Jisung looked down at a half-asleep Minjun when he asked himself this, seeing his selfless, caring and justice seeking lover in the baby's mahogany eyes.

Jisung scoffed at that, looking up at the ceiling, as he tried to stop himself from bursting into laughter. Because he knew exactly what Minho would do.

Minho was brave, smart, tactile and caring- everything Jisung was lacking in, everything he wanted to be the best in.

So he, finally, met eyes with a concerned looking Chan, and masked his anxiety and dread with a famous Minho like-grin.

"Well then fellas, you've kidnapped me, might as well tell me why."

He hoped Chan couldn't see through his lies, but the pity and sympathetic glance he was getting in return to blatantly fake statement hurt more than the worry tightening around his stomach.

guns and rings | minsung.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon