Chapter 6: Paris

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"But Mamen the last thing I need is for Ava to get sick from all that dust just days before she leaves for school and-"

"Emmeline are you trying to run my household?" my grand'mère asked, turning on my mother coldly. Mamen went silent and shook her head.

"No, of course not. I only meant-"

"Your daughter will sleep in your sister's room, which has been recently cleaned earlier this morning, just so you know. Now, is there anything else you wish to address or can I continue to Host, Emmeline?"

My mother had no response to my grand'mère's reproach so Grand'mère walked on into the next hallway with us following silently behind. While my grand'mère ushered us toward the kitchen for coffee and treats, I turned to my mother and grasped her hand as a comfort.

I knew from my many visits to this house that my mother was no fan of coming back here. And while my grand'mère was somewhat to blame with her strict ways, it really revolved around my Tante Amélie, who had died when my mother was 12. The room I stayed in was once hers and still had some things that belonged to her when she was alive. My mother avoided that room like the plague and this house in general whenever she could for that reason while my grand'mère chose to revel in it, and move on.

We sat out on a side table where coffee was poured by a free moving coffee pot and scones and madeleines were dished out for the three.

I immediately started on a madeleine causing my grand'mère to laugh good naturally while my mother sulked while trying to hide it behind her cup of coffee.

"You must not eat so fast, mon ange. You will get sick!" my mother chased but grand'mère waved the command aside.

"Honestly, Emmeline, you were no better at this age. Nothing I'm sure Madam Maxime can't fix in time."

"Who is she?" I questioned after a sip of coffee.

"Your new headmistress," my mother stated simply. "She has run Beauxbatons for nearly ten years now."

"Sixteen to be exact. Very impressive for a woman of her right. Half giantess and all," my grand'mère commented, causing my mother to give her a look.

"Never say such a thing at school, Ava. It won't be kind-"

"Don't listen to your Mamen, Ava! Who cares if she is a half-giantess. Half of France is made up of some part Veela. Why should having giant blood be any different?"

My mother went back to her coffee again while my grand'mère winked at me comically.

"Now, what more do you need for your wardrobe before starting school?"

"I'm not sure. I think we got everything we needed before we left home," I commented. She looked upset at the news before waving it aside.

"I'm sure we can find something that you need. I won't let you go without something from your grand'mère. Your mother always had many things from my Mamen. It's only natural that I can spoil you too."

"Grand'mère bought me all those things because you were too busy to do so yourself," My mother responded back haughty causing a quick, remarkably similar, glare to appear on my Grand'mère's face.

"I will not go on fighting about this subject again, Emmeline. You are too old to pout like this. You'll only get more wrinkles on that face of yours." My mother took another sip of her coffee before replacing the empty cup on its saucer with a bang.

"Fine. Ava needs proper ballet slippers. The ladies at the shop in Newport didn't have the color blue required for Beauxbatons." Grand'Mere's expression lit up again as she nodded approvingly. The past spat was forgotten.

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