Chapter two

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My body hurts.

I wake up feeling very tired and different.

When I open my eyes, I see blue walls.

Where am I?

I think the pain comes from my ribs, I touch them and, indeed, it does.

I lift my shirt and I see a big bruise in my skin (¿How the hell did I get this?), but that's not the only thing that calls my attention.

My body is different, it looks more in shape. I've got muscles.

I frown and stand up very fast.

As if this wasn't enough, I'm not even wearing the same clothes than yesterday, now I have a grey T-shirt and, unknown for me, checkered trousers.

Did Luke play me a joke in a very bad taste? Maybe someone kidnapped me, changed my clothes and took me to his room.

My mind can't process anything 'cause, even though my room now has a boring decor, it still has the same structure. This is my house.

Did my mom paint the walls while I was sleeping?

Impossible. There'd be smell and they wouldn't be dry. Besides, I woud've woken up.

I look at the bedside table. The frame with my friends isn't there, but there's one similiar to the one Oliver took last night.

I get closer to it. I start to sweat. I don't remember ever taking that picture.

There I was, but without the tutu, I actually was dressed like a boy, with a soccer ball and full of mud.

"What the hell?"

I run to the mirror and I'm wordless.

My hair looks shorter, my body is a lot more worked, like if I usually do sports and my nails are unpainted.

I expand my hand and watch it. I touch my reflection. ¿How could I change like this? One day to another.

I look to the side where there's an open white closet, it is full of clothes that don't match with mine.

"What is all this?"

I check it. There's a lot of shirts, dark pants and shoes. There's also sportswear, my schools' american football team costume, and tuxedos.

No skirts, dresses, or high shoes.

"This is not mine."

It's boy's wear. That's it, my room has become in a boy's room. Why?

Don't panic, Amelie, this must be just a bad dream.

Or surely my mom has concrete and reasonable explanation for this.

She always has one, right?

When I get out of the room I see Luke in the hallway, he's also different.

He's incredibly prolix. I've never seen him like that. He's looking to the side, has a high ponytail and his hair is longer (will he be wearing a wig? It looks real), his T-shirt is by the waist and he's wearing a short and boots.

Is that black eyeliner? This is absurd.

It's not that I'm against people wearing what they want or changing their gender, but he never showed interest on that.

Oh please! It must be a joke! I wake up manly and he is dressed like a girl! They want to drive me crazy.

It was all a stupid play of Luke. Did mom help him? 'Cause I doubt he managed modifying my room all alone.

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